Dear One,
January has already been very different than most, this month has been off the charts in solar energy coming to the planet and shifts within the Collective have been monumental.This is just the beginning of 2025. Each week we have experienced more disclosure coming to the surface to be revealed to awaken the Collective. This upcoming week will not disappoint, we have a parade of planets, that will align in the skies on January 25th. Pray for clear skies as this will be something to witness.
This Cosmic Alignment in our Solar System is a rare event, this one is going to be spectacular for Humanity. This is our opportunity to align with our soul's purpose and truly connect us with our higher consciousness. This is the moment we have been waiting for... It is here. There has never been this much light on the planet, as there is right now. As the portals open up all over the planet, more light is being anchored in by all the light workers, star seeds, shamans and mystics. There...
Dear One,
We will kick this week off with a "Full Wolf Moon in Cancer". This will bring up many things to release and clear out of our systems, as we prepare for the planetary alignment on the 25th of January. As, January has already been very potent and purifying. 2025 is a 9 year in numerology which means completion of many cycles. We will welcome in the New Year of Wood Snake at end of this month, January 29th.
This month and year will allow us to shed what no longer is needed in our existence.For this month write down those releases and burn them. Then bring in your Abundant codes. What are you wanting to attract into your experience? How can you align yourself with Mother Earth's vibration and frequency? These are just a few prompting questions you can journal with to kick start your new beginning. Take the time to journal and make a few notes on which things will stay and which things are being kicked to the curb.
This first full moon of the year is ideal for also getting real...
Dear One,
The energy has shifted so much since Jan 1st, like a weight of density has been lifted from the Collective Hearts and Minds. We have been clearing and detoxifying all of our systems. We will be navigating new territory this month forward. New beginnings and new opportunities will be available to us all. The grounding energy of this Capricorn season has allowed us to up level, with the release of Pluto shifting into Aquarius. So any placements of Capricorn or Cardinal signs, you will be feeling this new sense of freedom in most areas of your life. The lights are on and you have lift off. The creativity and inspiration is alive and well. This is the time to get centred and tend to the soil and prepare for the planting of seeds.
There has been an increased intensity with the solar activity this past weekend, the purge will continue on all levels for most and some have really upgraded after the integration period this past week as the solar flares will continue. So be gentle o...
Dear One, Magic Maker,
We are closing out so many old stories held in our bodies and in our minds, ones that kept us in small places. Stories that perhaps were passed down from generation to generation. We have broken the glass ceiling, seeing more clearly, why we are here on this precious Earth, Jewel of the Universe. We have come through the portal to the other side of being our authentic self, living our truth and shifting into the higher consciousness of Pure Love Frequency.
We are waking form a deep sleep and are rising in vast numbers every day. The Solstice opened the gateway to true freedom and set us free from a controlled environment to now choosing a life of Harmony and Peace. It is time to celebrate with your people, your soul family, your extended community. "We are Free at last, we are free at last" by Nelson Mandala.
We had a big shift in our Collective Consciousness on December 25th, and leading up the second new moon in Capricorn, we are able to planet seeds here ...
Dear One,
We have reached a very pivotal time now, as we approach December 21st, we will welcome Winter Solstice, the Return of the Light and turning of the seasonal wheel. This new season we will be focused on tending to our roots, rest, replenishing and re-nourishing our whole being as we slow the pace of life down. This time in the Northern Hemisphere is when the earth and all living things cycle into slowing down and restoring energy for new growth, regeneration and resurgance come Spring.
This is the beginning of a new year, Solstice reminds us that with the spark of light, it will ignite our inner infinite flame, may it inspire us and keep the hope of our dreams burning bright. This is the passage way to activate and illuminate our New Earth path ahead. This time has been called the Golden Age of Peace. Seen by our ancient Ancestors, we are here now to be the living prophecies, assisting this shift for Humanity.
We head into this Solstice with the amplification of Capricorn...
Dear One,
If you are feeling exhausted and confused, you are not alone. The Schumann Resonance was off the chart these last few days. The Earth Frequency was amplified by some big X class solar flares, which are re configuring our DNA, clearing our cells and upgrading our systems to function on a higher level of Consciousness.
We welcome the 12/12 portal to the 12/21 Winter Solstice portal as we prepare to receive a major upgrade and new beginnings for our Earth experience. This will be felt on the physical and emotional levels as we clear out any old programs and density form the past. Our nervous systems are recalibrating to the New Earth Frequency.
We can use this time to rest, recover and release any old energies that no longer resonate with us. This weekend we will have a Rare Super Full Blue Moon in Gemini. This moon will highlight, the release of duality consciousness and open us up to receive and restore our true Unity Consciousness back into balance with in our Divine ex...
Dear One,
Many of you may have felt between world these last few weeks? We are in the transformational energies of the old world being release and the new world emerging and being the witness to the birth of the New Earth consciousness. In this evolutionary process we are letting go of karmic ties and lessons being resolved to gift us an existence to operate in the purist form of consciousness for the New Human to thrive.
We are emerging from the false matrix, we are free to be our true selves and embrace our sovereign souls expression. This is the end of the old paradigm, we are ready to create a world that is build on integrity, love and harmony. That the balance is restored for the Sacred Divine Feminine and the Sacred Divine Masculine.
We are now leading up the energies of the Winter Solstice Dec 21st, where we will receive another bump up in our awareness, prepping us all for the 2025 year ahead. This next year will be very different than the last few. 2025 will be a year...
Dear One,
What an incredible Journey of Evolution this has been for all of Humanity. We are approaching our new journey beginning as Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19th, after being in Capricorn since 2008. All of the cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will be feeling a big relief as they pass the torch to the mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces to continue the ever-changing landscape of our Ascension to Unity Consciousness.
Pluto is a planet of transformation, evolution, death & rebirth, the truth will be revealed, we will enter a new phase of innovation, collective spirit of creating freedom and higher expression with the this cosmic shift into Aquarius. We will all benefit this massive cosmic shift.
This will be an upgrade for everyone, take the time to reflect all that you have done and be grateful for where you are now. This will change all of our perceptions moving forward and leave the past behind us and step into our new life. We will col...
Dear One,
We are still in the 1111 portal and feeling the effects of the Super Full Moon in Taurus this week on the 15th. This Super Moon will be liberating and assist us in releasing limiting attachments, old beliefs and free us from the patterns of control and fear. This week will be a pivotal shift for the Collective and prepare us for this deep transformation as Capricorn will leave us and not return for another 240 years. We will be inviting in the new fresh higher perspectives and feel the peaceful and abundant energy with Aquarius replacing Capricorn in Pluto conjunct.
We are now completing a 16 year cycle that has been extremely challenging for all Cardinal signs. This will be a welcome and prosperous time for all, the struggle is over. We have been experiencing life like the lotus flower, pushing through the mud and reaching for the light at the surface. What a journey this has been. So much growth and expansion has happened this month, so many pieces are making sense and ...
Dear One,
So much has been cleared from the Collective field and in your own auric field these past few weeks. The mass clearing started around the 8/8 portal and has been intense for everyone. As we begin November, the energy is very different from the last few months, more positive in nature. And most definitely everything has speed up even more.
We are in the 111 &1111 portal this week. Some may be feeling this massive clearing on all levels of being, lots of head pressure, congestion, coughing and clearing your lungs. You will begin to feel more clear cognitively, emotionally and physically you are strengthen your whole being and connecting to your higher self. Many of you will be getting an upgrade and able to download more information for what is next in our evolutionary journey. We are clearing generations of trauma, breaking old cycles and patterns and we are here to re-write new stories for our families.
The main themes this week are "Trust in your intuition" and "Letti...
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.