Energy Updates

"Your Truth Will Set You Free" March 11th-24th

Dear One,

We are in the throws of re-wilding Humanity, our hearts and minds and our natural environment are coming back into unity. This process of Ascension was always going to be an inside job and and a journey within each of us to walk in our own way. To connect with the awareness of this deeper knowing of discovering our divine truth. Many are questioning now, "Why am I here on this planet at this time and why is this life so challenging? The mass activation and awakening has begun, some have been awake and holding this higher love frequency for the actualization of The New Earth to come into form. To forge the path forward for the birth of a new unified consciousness.

The Feminine Energy is rising out of the ashes, ready for the charge forward. Many of the Feminine are stepping into leadership roles and reclaiming their power. We are all in this journey together. We will be ending our astrological year with a very potent Pisces season of dissolving the old paradigm. And rebirthi...

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"New Frequencies are Here" March 4th-10th

Dear One,

Ā March has come in like a Lion, with a loud roar. Powerful energies are pouring into the Earth's atmosphere, whipping things up for the Collective to awaken now. We are in preparation of something big on the horizon, this month will be transformative on levels of being. We are having many solar storms this week, and feeling the new moon in Pisces as the energy builds upwards for this weekend on March 10th. Ā 

After the tumultuous energy this past weekend, there is a certain lightness in the air for the beginning of this week. There will be many relationship flare ups, as we are anchoring more of our light into Mother Earth, and tolerating less and less Bull s..t from others. Possible theme for this whole month, along with clearing out our environments and minds of any clutter to see through any illusions. There will beĀ another massive clearing of dense and negative energies for the month of March. Pisces will complete and close out another full turn of the Zodiac year cycle....

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"Burning Through the Layers" February 26th-March 3rd

Dear One,

You may or may not be basking in the afterglow of this grounded soft feminine energy of this past weekend's Full Moon in Virgo. After a month period of solar storms hitting Earth's atmosphere, we now have a bit of time to integrate the new energies and keep allowing the old layers of the past to completely dissolve. It is a good practice to burn a list of things, we wish to release and let go out of from our existence and the most potent time for this is at the time of a full moon. Gifting us a feeling of lightness in our body and in our heart. As we shed the density and heaviness from within the Collective and personally, we will intensly feel this within our own bodies from the accumulative trauma leaving from our ancestors and relations.Ā 

WE are feeling this rise of the Divine Feminine within from this Full Moon Feb 24th. As, we all awaken to our own conscious awareness and deepened connection to Mother Earth and Father Sky, we will feel this innate power coming online w...

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"Activate Your Gifts" February 12th-25th

Dear One,

This month of February is only half way through, and we have experienced intense energy from our Sun as, it is very much purifying the old density we have in our cells. We are clearing the last layers of the old patterns, imprints and programs from our linage. This is why we are here, in this incarnation, in this form, in this present moment, we agreed to clear the pain and suffering of our Ancestors. To free ourselves, our families and the next generations to live free and sovereign on this Planet. To embrace the New Earth Frequency.

As we move along on this life journey, one foot in front of the other, somewhat tentatively, we are not a 100 % sure of what is ahead, but we trust in this process. Something is pushing us towards a new beginning, a fresh start and we know in our heart a new dawn is emerging. There is a new lightness on this Planet that is beginning to rise with in the hearts of Humanity. This transformation is taking place within, it is subtle shifting to mos...

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"Shine Your Light" February 5th-11th

Dear One,

This month of February has been activating us on all levels of being. The planet had been blasted with solar light for weeks now. Also since, the First Full Wolf Moon of 2024, we have been purging and recalibrating our cellular memory and resetting our nervous systems to clear the density of the past. We are half way through Aquarius Season and as we approach February 9th, we welcome the Chinese New Year. The Year of The Wood Dragon representing rebirth, destiny, transformation and the return of the Holy Spirit with in the Hearts of all people. The Dragon energy will align us with our inner mystic and inspire many to step into action to bring their dreams into this new reality to co create harmony and balance.Ā 

We will also experience a Super New Moon on February 9th, this Friday will be electric. This new moon will be in Aquarius, this will guide and inspire us on a new quest of discovering new horizons and interests. Time to step forward and initiate your new beginning. W...

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" Opening The Heart Portal to Recieve" Jan 29th-February 4th

Dear One,

We are now integrating the energies of The Aquarian Stargate and our last Full Moon in Leo events from last week. And, as of Jan 27th we are currently retrograde free until April 1st. Gifting us much more available inspiration and positive energy to move forward. We have spent a lot of time and energy clearing our fields from multiple layers of programming and generational trauma. We are stepping out of the Karmic loop and into soul clarity and alignment with our whole self individually and collectively.

Over this past weekend, we also experienced some off the chart solar flares and the Schumann Resonance recorded intense energies all around the planet. The feeling of breakthrough and excitement in our consciousness is evident. We have shifted considerable lower energies and we continue to bust the illusions of this 3D world. You may have noticed a lot of head pressure or overwhelm and possible doubt coming up to be release to the surface. Release any of these lower energie...

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"Pure Power of Love" January 15th-29th

Dear One,

What an accelerated energy shift into this year of 2024. We have hit the ground running it seems. The energy around us is very high vibrationally, as we continue to evolve and elevate our consciousness. Many of us are remembering our true form and we are being activated and cleared to recall our mission here on Earth. We are made up of Divine Love. Our mission is to embody the unconditional Love, to then ripple that out into the Collective consciousness. To Love ourselves on the deepest level possible, we are the Way showers, the Path Cutters, the ones who know the way forward. Ā 

We are beginning a new cycle, as we are in the midst of closing out a 12,000 yr growth cycle for the Earth and Humanity. The truth of our existence is being revealed to us Individually and Collectively. We are connected to Source/God/Creator. And we are powerful beyond our wildest dreams. We are able to harness our magic now and remember our dreams and fulfil our souls desires. Activate our Bluepri...

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"A New Cosmic Cycle Begins" January 1st-14th

Dear One,

We have arrived in this New Energy right at the beginning of 2024. It was very noticeable how it shifted so dramatically from Dec 31st to January 1st of 2024. These first few weeks of the January were really focused on tying up the loose ends and ending the old ways of being. So that we can really begin this new Cosmic Cycle with a blank canvas of what it is we truly wish to create or co-create with others.Ā 

Astrologically we are being supported to make these shifts, upgrade our experience to be in alignment of what is our truth and soul mission. The dramatic shift was that we felt the end of Jupiter and Mercury"s respective retro grades. And Bam, we entered a whole new perspective of this Earthly experience. This space best described, as a sacred space for the soul to alchemize and understand our new upgraded version of our embodied self/heart centred being. There were a lots of endings to make way for this new cycle. Many things the Universe was making visible for us to s...

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"Solstice Gateway Opening to Abundance" December 18th-31st

Dear One,

Wishing you a very happy and wonderful Holiday Season. This winter season has been delayed here in the Pacific Mountain Range due to El Nino weather patterns. We have all been hoping for a Christmas miracle and we got our miracle right on cue with a lots of big flakes falling from the sky. This is a very magical time of year, but this year feels extra special with all that has occurred over this past year. This year was a very big year of transformation and clearing of old programs and ancestral releases for the Collective...

These last few weeks leading up to 2024 have been reflective and challenging for most, as we are seeing through a different lens the way the old pattens and versions of ourselves are falling away. Noticing that we have changed our values and beliefs and we are not being as triggered as we were before this inner transformation. This massive shift is now being totally alchemized on all levels of being. We are able to see and acknowledge that we are remem...

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"Open to Divine Light" December 11th-17th

Dear One,

You are so loved! What a special time, we are all here together now in collaboration with Mother Gaia to usher in this new way of being on "The Blue Jewel, Earth." We have been on an incredible journey, especially theses last few year. Most are tuning into this new frequency we are experiencing as a few days ago. This week and weekend we will experience many M Class solar flares from our Sun. Affecting many of us on all levels of being, helping to clear out any residual density in our systems. You many experience dizziness, tiredness, some aches and pains and interrupted sleep patterns. Allow the integration and softening to happen with the ultimate self care practices as your top priority. Fill up your cup with light.

Many timelines are merging into one, gifting us the higher Unity Consciousness is here. This is a conscious choice for each soul to make. Most of us agreed to this before we arrived in this incarnation. We are moving into a whole new way of being in this Spir...

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Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.