Energy Updates

Solstice Celebration Dec 21/2020

Uncategorized Dec 21, 2020

Happy Solstice Everyone!!

What a Beautiful Energy that we are being Gifted!

This day has always been celebrated by our Ancestors, celebrating the Return of the Light in our dark winter months. WE would light a big Fire and sing, drum and dance around this light. Connect to our Mother Earth and her magical existence. 

Today, the energy all around us  will be extremely divine. There will be a couple of spectacular events going on in our Galaxy to shift us into a New Age of Aquarius, Grand conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter aligning a new Consciousness, new way of being Human and the Grand Rising of our Central Sun.

You are the Light that we all celebrate today. Returning to your true existence of Being. We are all in this amazing journey together side by side. You are powerful and have so many offerings and gifts of Grace, anchoring Heaven on Earth to share with all of Humanity.

What is happening in this Now moment. We are coming together to continue to Create our...

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Shine Your Light 12/12/20

Uncategorized Dec 12, 2020

Hope this communication finds you well in this Now moment! Sending you so much Love and Light as the Beauty and Magic surrounds you.

We have arrived at this day, 12/12/20 a huge Portal day opening us to the energies of the 21/12/20 Solstice Celebration.  We will ride this high vibe energy wave until 31/12/20. 

This year's Solstice is extra special, as we are truly celebrating the Return of our Divine Light, as we align with our Truth and Galactic Sun is activating Mother Earth to Ascend into the Higher Consciousness. We have so much to celebrate and be grateful for at this time in our Human History. WE have arrived at this new timeline of our evolution.

We are all awakening out of this "Deep Sleep" that All of Humanity has been in for a very longtime. More and more humans are coming on line to witness who they are and that they are remembering their origins and connections to this beautiful planet Earth. 

We the Collective Consciousness are realizing that we are on a...

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Big Energy Shifts - Final Push - Week November 22/23

#weeklywritings Nov 22, 2020
Be EVER So GENTLE with yourself, as we weather this storm together!  
This has been a stretch in every direction of your life. You have been going through an expansive growth period for what probably seems like years. You are not alone in this process, for all of Humanity is experiencing this on some level of Beingness. 
Each of us has had to go deep into our inner world to Let go of the things that no longer resonate as we move onto our intended paths, moving forward to higher frequencies of understanding to see the bigger picture. Here is the Big picture.
Truthfully, as we begin to rise above the density of the Collective we can be witness to the peeling away of the falsehoods and lies that we have been fed for far too long.  
I was prompt to write this to you today, as the energy is shifting again. It is opening like never before, so we can really see the truth of our existence in this moment. 
In this, Now moment, what are you...
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Love is in our Roots.

#weeklywritings Nov 15, 2020
We are still feeling the beautiful waves and energies of 11/11 today. This was a huge
breakthrough for Humanity. The Global Energy Grid of Our Mother Earth has shifted into higher dimensions and Higher Consciousness. Bathing now in a much more cosmically connected support system.
Many Light Beings came together Yesterday in Meditation to activate the Grid that is weaving us all together as ONE UNIFIED FIELD. Thank you Grandmother Spider.
WE are living, breathing and co-creating a new existence for all of Humanity to step into in this NOW moment.
Ask yourself: What can we each contribute to elevate the Human Consciousness here on Earth? Love deeply, Love yourself, Love each other, Love and grow your roots into this Earth?
This is why we have come to embody  Love in Human form. It is so beautiful when we see the amount of Love in the Human Heart that is boundless.
We are infinite Love. WE are not separate from God/Source Love.
Love your Ancient Roots,...
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Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.