Energy Updates

"Power Is Arising From Within" October 31st-November 6th

Dear Beloveds,

Many of you will be feeling theses shifts and changing currents deeply. The energies have intensified, but now feeling them from within our bodies, minds and hearts. Our Spirits are gaining a new perspective and our focus is now to nourish are whole beings. That will be different for everyone. Your cells are being cleared and activated to remember who you are and why you are here.

We celebrate the thinning of the veil today, and honour our ancestors for their sacrifice. October 31st marks Samhain and Halloween. We can learn from our past and remember the gifts that we're passed on and release the suffering and old patterns that no longer serve us moving forward on to a new path. This is also a day where we honour our own shadow and light dance by expressing what needs to be released. 

The energies this week will be powerful as we are in between the two eclipses, the next one is November 8th. Use this time to clear our the old energies from your home and surrounds to b...

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"Winter is Coming" October 24th-30th

Dear Beloveds,

October has been an intense and powerfully transformative month for the Collective. Many across the planet are waking to truth of what is being played out in this current reality is not aligning with how we desire to move forward. It is no longer viable to be living in states of fear and confusion. We are being so divinely guided to live in our truth and purpose. The cosmic events of these past few months has been providing boosts of plasma light, allowing for our cells to absorb more light codes to activate the blueprint coding with in us.

This is also a good time to detox the old systems that are still blocking us from living in harmony and balance in every area of our lives. As we exit Libra and enter into Scorpio season we are able to dive into the dark inner waters of our tender existence. How did we clear our relationships and release those that are no longer serving our highest good? What changes were made to support our evolutionary process.

This next phase is...

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"Stillness allows the lotus to blossom" October 17th-23rd

Dear Beloveds,

Here on the West Coast of Canada we are enjoying an extended version of summer weather. Not typical for this time of year. So many are still going to the lakes and receiving blessings from the water and sunshine. This is really beneficial for what is happening on a cellular level to us right now, as the light codes are streaming in for us Collectively to shift our expanding Consciousness and clear our DNA of the old Patriarchal system. 

If you have been busy trying to get ready for winter and missed taking some time to relax and enjoy these bonus days get out there and soak it all up. In those moments of stillness we are able to absorb on a cellular level and allow the cells to regenerate and purify on all levels. Being in that pure stillness we can allow these miraculous changes and shifts to occur.

The energy around in the Collective is still one of insecurity and unknown, so best to ground into nature and be in acceptance to assist this shift in the Collective to t...

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"Lunation Energy is Activating our Dreamtime" Oct 10th-16th

Dear Beloveds,

Hope that you are basking in the afterglow of the Hunter Moon? This super moon was a very powerful and prominent activation for the Collective. The full moon on Sunday was in the sign of Aries, bringing the fire and action to release our old stories and beliefs as we can then make room for the new higher timelines to emerge.  

October had started off with very intense energies moving and transmuting the old systems within us. The cosmos has been assisting Humanity thus far with 6 planets in retrograde to the alignments of certain planets such as Venus returning to her home in Libra season. All of this will prepare us for the eclipse season starting Oct 25th. 

Many of you may have noticed that you are having more memorable and vivid dreams of late. This promenade Lunation is stirring memories and activating our deeper knowing of self and higher self knowledge is being revealed. We are remembering more of our history and our different experience around the galaxies.


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"Deep Gratitude for my Teachers" October 3rd-9th

Dear Beloveds,

I humbly and respectively show my gratitude for my teachers who I have studied under and worked with over these last 25 years. I have been so honoured to learn and remember the Wisdom Teachings with Vern(Gitxsan) and Mumsie from Lower Stl'atl'lmx nation where they live on the land and honour the sacred way by holding many ceremonies and welcoming many to their home to share the medicine. I am so grateful to call them my family.

We will say goodbye to Vern this week, as he has transitioned to be with the Great Spirit to help us from above and continue to guide us as we journey on this Earth walk. Vern was a gentle soul and loved to joke and laugh, his approach to teaching was so organic and easy. He was a big Spirit and a bright light for this world and his presents will be missed, but his ripples will last forever and will continue to be shared by all who knew him and had the privilege to sit in Sweat lodge ceremony with him.

We will gather to celebrate his life and l...

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"Re-awaken to the New Moon in Libra" September 26th-October 2nd

Dear Beloveds,

Welcome to the new beginnings of self awareness. We as a Collective have ended some major Karmic cycles that we were all playing out in this plane of existence. We have reached a new level of awareness in our evolutionary human journey. Many people are now awakening to the illusion that we have been living under for thousands of years. The Human Condition was programmed to keep us oppressed, controlled, not connected to our Divine expression and enslaved to keep looping the Karmic cycles of pain and suffering.

The truth of our existence and who we are is being realized and many are now reclaiming their power and making sense of all the pieces of this crazy puzzle. We are free now to choose how we wish to thrive and create our new reality of existing in Harmony, Love and Peace. This past month has been a game changer for many of you, having the time to reflect and re-assess what is supporting your evolution and how you can step into alignment with all that you are and a...

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"Reflections of Your Heart" September 19th-25th

Dear Beloveds,

The intensity of the energy has softened some from last week and the weekend. We are mid point of the 6 planet retrogrades, leaving us in a state of remembrance, reflection and releasing what no longer serves us moving forward into new realities. You may be called to sit in silence or be in circle to witness your own unravelling. To allow integration of all the seeds that you planed from the last Equinox.

We are getting set to slow things down from summer and shift gears for Fall season. Fall Equinox is September 22nd and will also be matched up with the new moon in Libra on the 25th. This will soften the busy mind and allow for deeper contemplation of your new path and new beginnings. As this is the transition from the Libra season into Virgo, we will want to cosy up with loved ones and nest in our new way of operating. Feeling more into the heart expression and expanded versions of ourselves. 

We have all moved a lot of the ancestral patterns and programs, we are no...

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"Feel the Heart Expansion" Sept. 5th-11th


What a summer of radiant heat and deep transformation, it shook us and shifted the whole of Humanity to the core. We will never be the same. Many of you have Let go of the old versions of yourselves and are shaping how you wish to move forward from here. This has been so monumental for The Collective. The awareness of how we have lived in fear and control and now being able to step into this whole new way of being has hit the masses. Free to be, free to choose, Free to live this beautiful life full of possibilities.

Where we are now is groundbreaking, ready to feel the expansion of our "Heart Frequency" will increase the growth and inspire us to keep moving along this trajectory of living in a free sate of beingness, New Earth vibration. 

The Divine Feminine energies are leading this charge for all of Humanity as Mother Gaia is infusing all of us with more nourishment and the Cosmic rays of hope and dreams are flooding our atmosphere with so much love and light.  The Divin...

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"Sunflowers in Full Bloom" August 29th-September 5th

Dearly Beloveds,

Hopefully you are soaking up all of these last few days of Summer sun and fun, as we slip into  September. This has been an intense month of uncovering and feeling so so much in our bodies. The light codes have been coming in more prominently for the month of August and have given The Collective some new perspective in how they are living their existence and they are now  wishing to shift into this new energy and live a more balanced and loving existence.

We are similar to the Sunflowers reaching towards the light and we grow as we bring in more light to our beings. This is a perfect example of how we can evolve and grow, absorb more light frequency to our cells and it will shift our whole outlook on how to live this New Earth existence.

This has always been our journey here on This Earthly plane of existence, seeing the world in a  new light. We are reclaiming our innocences and elevating our Hearts to new heights. LOVE is why we are Here. Love has always been here...

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"Journey to the Surface" August 22-28th

Dearly Beloveds,

This month has been an incredible inner journey of self discovery and release. You have all risen to the surface with deeper knowing of your authentic selves. With much more clarity of how you wish to live and breath on this beautiful Earth. This is the journey of the lotus flower/water lily, to reach for the light and emerge from the mud at the bottom of the pond, to navigate your way to the surface, to bloom and open to the Divine Light that is available to you all now.

Many things have been shed and let go of to lighten your being of awareness. The summer heat and freedom have opened many portals and doors of opportunity for you to choose your destiny forward. This path has always been available to you, now it is more directly in front of you to step onto with trust and faith in yourself. As many of us begin to see more clearly and choose more efficiently we are moving the Collective closer to the highest time line of existence. 

The amount of energy that we are ...

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Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.