Dear One,
This is a most auspicious and pivotal time in our Earth History, one we will all remember forever. It is a long story that we have kept in our hearts and it is one that is filled with so much beauty, all is being revealed for the new story of Humanity is being re-written. We are ready to embark on an incredible new journey of expansion. We have received a massive upgrade during the Eclipse portal and after this past Solar Eclipse.
As, the Collective is slowly awakening and integrating to this new frequency all around us, more shedding is happening to purify our whole system, to be able to better receive the Love and Unity Consciousness coming into our Planet. We will have this transitional time to shift and allow the old to go and embrace this most abundant and harmonize time that is here for us all to live and experience our best life.
Our connection to Source is more available than ever before, and if we connect with the animals and creatures of this land, we will feel that sacred space of Love frequency. The animal kingdom is always connected to Source and gifts us the messages from Spirit. We are One Family.
Horses are especially connected to Source Consciousness and are the bridge to communicate with Spirit. they are here to assist Humanity in this delicate evolution. They hold many keys to the Universal mystery. Horses are sensitive to our nervous systems and to our emotional landscape as they feel what we are hiding deep within our beings. They will guide us and show us how to release it from our system. To soften and observe with a quiet mind and an open Heart. There are many ways to work with theses giving creatures.
Walk gently on the earth and fill your heart with gratitude at this great time of change. You are so loved and appreciated for all that you are.
Blessings of Love and Gratitude,
Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.