"Divine Mother Emergence" March 3rd-9th

Dear One,

Welcoming in March this past weekend and witnessing the sacred signs of Spring are slowly emerging, as are You from your winter slowdown season. This was a deep winter season, full of inner transformation and a rebirth of self, realizing new ways of seeing and perceiving how you interact with the world around you. You may have noticed things that you once did or enjoyed doing are now falling away. We had a huge surge of purifying light come to the planet on March 1st.  

We are in the Spring Equinox portal, preparing for many new ideas and projects to give way to expansion and growth, we are now on the threshold. We have been shedding the past karma of many lifetimes and linage wounds. There has been many layers to dissolve to get to the core. We are now ready to accept our beauty and brilliance as we graciously let go of the heaviness of the past. 

We are being held by The Divine Mother to step into this next phase of our Collective Journey. We are being fully supported to trust this unfolding that is occurring on this current Earth plane of existence. We are increasing the frequency on this planet to raise the Consciousness into a united field. Visioning the highest time line for all.

In the sky this week we have a few mentions, Venus has just gone retrograde, so we can focus on forgiveness, self love, self worth, tuning into abundance codes, relationship healing and the awakening of the Heart and expansion of Love frequency all around.  Today is a portal day 3/3 opening us uptake cosmic gateway to the Guidance of the Divine and highlight our infinite potential. 

Allow lots of integration as the solar flares will be potent again this week, more to purify from our physical, mental and emotional levels.

Stay hydrated and and trust this process and your own inner voice.

Blessings of Love and Grace,

Love Rainbow xxx 


Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.