"Integrating New Energies" January 27th-February 2nd

Dear One,

As we wrap up this jam packed Month of January with a beautiful New Moon in Aquarius and celebrate the New Lunar Year of the Wood Snake, we will continue to integrate all of the energies from last weeks Planetary Alignment. The more we trust this process of unfolding, the more we recognize and accept this cosmic dance. We are awakening the truth from within our soul, each step forward we take will guide us to our illuminated path. You Know the way.

Beginning with the New Earth Energies, they have arrived strongly, they will continue to affect the Collective on all levels, to release and shift the awareness of the higher consciousness. There is a lot of higher frequencies that may affect us on the physical level right now. Many will feel the body aches, headaches, and an urge to eat clean and help the body to clear out this dose energy from the past. Grounding and getting close to Mother Earth will ease these ascension symptoms. They too shall pass and you will receive more clarity.

Adding to the already high energy on January 29th the New Moon in Aquarius will arrive along with the Lunar New Year of the Yin Wood Snake bringing a year of transformation and spiritual growth in all areas of your life. Snake year is all about shedding what no longer applies, and the ability to let go of the old patterns and structures, time to embrace the new way forward. We are entering the Age of Aquarius and this new moon also signals the start of this New Beginning for Humanity. 

We have tipped the scale in the favour of 51% for Humanity has woke up to the agendas and control programs, that has been playing out on this planet for eons. We are on our way to shifting the Consciousness to Unity on this beautiful Planet Earth. There will be may shifts and changes for the better, as all of this old world way is purified and transmuted into Light. There will be many new innovative technology and significant changes for our highest good revealed soon.

The process will be miraculous and unbelievable, so trust this unfolding with all of your heart. This will be happening at a fast pace, so rest up and nourish your heart and soul.

"Happy New Lunar Year of Abundance and Graceful Transformation." 

Love and Many Blessings for your dreams to bloom and grow,

 Rainbow xxx



Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.