Dear One,
Hope you are navigating these energies of the last few weeks? It has been a crazy ride. Many new potent energies are coming to the planet for Humanity to alchemize and clear out our whole systems. It has been uncomfortable and intense for many, we have had to face the density and dark parts of ourselves and the programs that we carry, so that they can be transmitted into love.
The start of this week we will experience the ending of a big cycle from 2008 and from the more recent Lion's gate portal of 8/8 to the 9/9 closing the Sirius Gateway Portal. These big endings are making way for a new beginning, fresh new start and a new way of living on Mother Earth. Our existence has been so cut off from our deep connection to ourselves and our Nature, Mother Earth. This evolution of freeing our souls and stepping into a life of thriving abundance is happening on a cellular level. We are in a metamorphosis stage or a transitional space of our Human evolution, preparing for...
Dear One,
As a new season is beginning, we can relish in those special moments spent in Nature, rejuvenating and restoring our deep connection to all things Nature. Our Summers in the Northern Hemisphere are beautiful but far too short. After Labour Day long weekend, we long for those long summer days and warm evenings, but Fall here is also a very treasured season, with cozy fires and warming soups. Everyone has their favourites.
WE all have a familiar and favourite spot we go to in Nature, to reflect and connect with our heart and soul needs. This transmission is to remind you of your sacred bond with Mother Earth and all that she gives freely to us. To honouring yourself by going out and communing with her. With her waters, with her forests, with the animals and the heart beat that you may feel under your feet. This is felt often when we give time and space to listening and feeling that magic that is available all the time.
Energy this week will be deeply felt, as we have...
Dear One,
Wow! What a summer of internal shifts for the Collective, some were very abrupt, some were subtle. As we wind down summer and allow integration of all that has been experienced on every level, inner reflection and stillness is required for this week. We have experienced so many upgrades and will continue to receive them through our Sun, as the solar flares will intensify leading up to our next eclipse season.
Spending time in nature, to sit and absorb the grounding frequency of Mother Earth, we can connect back to feeling this unwavering support on the physically, mentally, emotionally, to better receive the nourishing energy of Our Divine Mother. We are not separate, we are all family, as we return to this sanctuary of calm, we are able to rest and reset the whole system back to regulation. We also have unlimited access to this giving resource everyday.
These latest upgrades since Lions Gate are now being re-awakened in our soul memories to be activated...
Dear One,
You are so ready to embark on a new adventure of discovery. Today marks a new path forward, one you have never walked before. A newly lite path that you may not have noticed until today. August 19th is a Super Full Moon in Aquarius, gifting us a new perspective on what is next for our evolutionary journey. We have let go of many things, we have been diving deep into the darkest parts of the unconscious mind, and have resolved many shadow aspects of self.
Today, we step forward with a more clear and focused understanding of walking a path that is uncomplicated. Trusting the unknown, belief in your abilities and the ancient knowing that you have coded in your DNA, in your bones, that has been stored there for safe keeping, until now. You are being activated now, to remember the information that will be shared as only you have this information for Humanity. So there may be some movement within the body to unleash the old programs and reactivated the codes, for you have...
Dear One,
This has been a summer season full of introspection and expansive growth from within our consciousness. Hidden from the world, yet this beautiful awareness is emerging from deep with in our cells. This is known as Citta, this is our deepest layer of conscious awareness, it is a field of unbounded creativity and aligns us with the rhythms of life. Just for now put aside this identity of self. Tap into your purest essence. Our ancient souls know and feel this big shift is coming and there is excitement in the air. Release the fear to open the heart and soul to receive your remembrance. Your deep knowing of the truth of your existence.
There is great change under way for all of Earth's creatures and Humanity, yes, there is a plot twist. A positive shift in our Collective Consciousness, it is happening at a much faster rate than expected. Do you feel the rising coming from within your being. This has always been an inside job, and each souls agreement on how and when...
Dear One,
This will be a week, like no other as we are opening with a new moon in Leo, Lion's Gate 888 in the middle and then Venus enters Virgo on August 10th/11th, side note August 5th Mercury will go into retrograde, allowing us to slow it all down to integrate. All of this will add up to attracting your abundance in every way. The energy this week will shift you on every level and elevate your confidence to new heights of awareness. On a cellular level this shift has been happening inside, but the alignment is going to take form on the physical expression too. Leo Season is here to show you how to shine your Infinite Divine Light from your heart.
We have arrived to reclaim our Birthright. We have come through the darkness, walked through Fire, and we are now coming together like never before. We are One Unified Consciousness. Brothers and Sisters of Earth, this is our time to rise up and stand united for the whole of Humanity. We are the Peaceful Warriors of Light and we will...
Dear One,
Just like that, we have entered the Season of Leo, emerging from the deep waters of Cancer Season. As, we prepare for the energetic creative energy of Leo, to pump through our veins and inspire ideas and purposeful actions. We are still possibly integrating the Full Buck Moon energies, linger from this past lunation, there will be movement forward. Allowing us to see our full potential come to the surface to be alchemized with our new updated version of self.
For most, this time of great change, that is taking place on our planet is welcome, as we see that this is the only way forward, we must evolve and shift this current consciousness to new heights. We must be the witnesses of this planetary transformation and consciousness shift to Unity, to transmute this lower energy. The awareness of the Collective is rising out of the darkness, to be more tapped into to the power we all possess from within, is connected to Source Consciousness.
To stay the course forward, we...
Dear One,
We are mid way through July and winding down after a deep and profound Cancer season, we will be entering Leo Season at end of the weekend. There is a lot happening in the sky this week and will have a big impact on most of us. As we will have another Full moon in Capricorn July 21st. This is the second Capricorn moon and it will be very potent too. We are shedding so much debris from our systems, that we will be unrecognizable by end of Summer.
This in between time 7/7 & 8/8 portals, that we are experiencing right now, will allow for the strengthening and rebuilding of new systems and ways of operating from our heart and elevated consciousness. As, many are awakening to the fact, that the world that we know is crumbling right before our eyes, we are the witnesses of the New Earth that is emerging and we are adapting and restructuring on every level, to rise with Mother Gaia into a more harmonized state of being.
This week will be somewhat spicy, so slowing down...
Dear One,
We are continuing to get blasts from the Sun. This light plasma is purging us at the deepest levels, and our DNA is being activated to remember who we are. This potent time is pivotal for our evolutionary path to attain higher Unity Consciousness for all. This process is based on our ability to trust this unravelling and clearing of our souls from the past experiences and traumas, that we are still playing out in this incarnation. We came here to Earth to learn how to let go of the pain, break generational patterns and to love ourselves to the core of our beings. That has been challenging with the old programs that we may be still operating, will glitch up to create chaos in the mind. This may create doubt and fear.
The fog is lifting from our path forward, as we are getting more clarity coming from within our blueprint which is our Divine Truth and Knowledge, we carry this coding in our DNA, get ready to step further into the Light. It is safe to be here and now,...
Dear One,
June was a month of unravelling and setting the stage for July and August. It seemed to go by very fast, time has speed up, and we might have jumped some timelines. There was a lot of solar flares in June as the sun expressed its radiance towards Earth, we felt it and began to purify from the toxicity. This is a purification process for all, that you agreed to by being here on this plane of existence and In this incarnation.
This will be a very transformative week with lots going on starting with the New Moon in Cancer on July 5th, many untruths will be revealed as we are also experiencing Saturn and Neptune retrogrades. July will be very different experience. More heightened awareness of your spiritual journey as Sirius and the Sun will conjunct July 3rd-7th creating a bridge to activate your physical and spiritual bodies. To better anchor your inner knowing and expression in this physical reality. This potent conjunction is also the time to plant seeds for...
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.