"Crossing Over into New Territory" January 6th-12th

Dear One,

 The energy has shifted so much since Jan 1st, like a weight of density has been lifted from the Collective Hearts and Minds. We have been clearing and detoxifying all of our systems. We will be navigating new territory this month forward. New beginnings and new opportunities will be available to us all. The grounding energy of this Capricorn season has allowed us to up level, with the release of Pluto shifting into Aquarius. So any placements of Capricorn or Cardinal signs, you will be feeling this new sense of freedom in most areas of your life. The lights are on and you have lift off. The creativity and inspiration is alive and well. This is the time to get centred and tend to the soil and prepare for the planting of seeds.

There has been an increased intensity with the solar activity this past weekend, the purge will continue on all levels for most and some have really upgraded after the integration period this past week as the solar flares will continue. So be gentle on yourself, drink lots of pure water and rest as needed, make the time and space to allow this purification process happening in the physical, mental and emotional bodies. You will begin to emerge more clear and focused after this upgrade and purge comes to completion.

The old paradigm is breaking down, to be dissolved, so we can rebuild on a more solid foundation and align with the truth, unity and love consciousness. This is a very potent time as we are becoming more aware of these massive shifts, each time from within and outside of us. The chaos in the outer world is a storyline that is trying to separate us from our Divine Truths. We are more tuned into how we can maintain our inner peace and inner balance as we remember our truth of our deep connection to the Divine and Mother Earth.  

Reclaim & Protect Your Peace! You Know the Way Forward!

Blessings of Love and Compassion for your Journey,

Love Rainbow xxx


Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.