"Celebrate A New Chapter" December 22nd-January 5th

Dear One, Magic Maker,

We are closing out so many old stories held in our bodies and in our minds, ones that kept us in small places. Stories that perhaps were passed down from generation to generation. We have broken the glass ceiling, seeing more clearly, why we are here on this precious Earth, Jewel of the  Universe. We have come through the portal to the other side of being our authentic self, living our truth and shifting into the higher consciousness of Pure Love Frequency. 

We are waking form a deep sleep and are rising in vast numbers every day. The Solstice opened the gateway to true freedom and set us free from a controlled environment to now choosing a life of Harmony and Peace. It is time to celebrate with your people, your soul family, your extended community. "We are Free at last, we are free at last" by Nelson Mandala.

We had a big shift in our Collective Consciousness on December 25th, and leading up the second new moon in Capricorn, we are able to planet seeds here for this upcoming year of 2025 and release the things that have held us hostage. This year ahead is a number 9, meaning a completion year with big transformations, new direction and ending of the old paradigm. We have the opportunity to rewrite our story, with many new innovations coming to help shift the Collection into a more positive alignment of existence. New Earth energy is forming and the teardown and restructuring is under way. 

Stay true to your centre, your magical Heart and ground into the body with your practices and stay the course, we have come a long way and transmuted so much of the ancestral patterns and programs. Your Life will be unrecognizable soon. For this manifestation portal, Plant your seeds and water them, nurture them and watch them grow. They will surprise you! Happy Planting!    

You deserve the very best Life! It is ready for you to step into and take root! Imagine all the Possibilities that are awaiting You! 

Blessings for this Next Beautiful Chapter of living the life of your Dreams,

Love Rainbow xxx


Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.