Dear One,
We have reached a very pivotal time now, as we approach December 21st, we will welcome Winter Solstice, the Return of the Light and turning of the seasonal wheel. This new season we will be focused on tending to our roots, rest, replenishing and re-nourishing our whole being as we slow the pace of life down. This time in the Northern Hemisphere is when the earth and all living things cycle into slowing down and restoring energy for new growth, regeneration and resurgance come Spring.
This is the beginning of a new year, Solstice reminds us that with the spark of light, it will ignite our inner infinite flame, may it inspire us and keep the hope of our dreams burning bright. This is the passage way to activate and illuminate our New Earth path ahead. This time has been called the Golden Age of Peace. Seen by our ancient Ancestors, we are here now to be the living prophecies, assisting this shift for Humanity.
We head into this Solstice with the amplification of Capricorn season and ground into the Earthly element, helping us to heal our DNA and clear our bodies of any and all density, you many feel pain in the joints, knees, teeth and bones. It is extremely deep and can be exhausting to feel this but we are ascending and clearing our past to make way for these powerful cosmic energies to assist us in our ascension process.
We have been on task working towards this new timeline, and we remain focused and committed to this trajectory of New Earth Ascension for all of Humanity. We are stronger together and we are on our way now. Be gentle on yourself, rest and allow this process to unfold.
Happy Solstice Blessings! Celebrate where you are as we close out this old story and prepare for our Transformation ahead.
Love Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.