Energy Updates

"Divine Mother Emergence" March 3rd-9th

Dear One,

Welcoming in March this past weekend and witnessing the sacred signs of Spring are slowly emerging, as are You from your winter slowdown season. This was a deep winter season, full of inner transformation and a rebirth of self, realizing new ways of seeing and perceiving how you interact with the world around you. You may have noticed things that you once did or enjoyed doing are now falling away. We had a huge surge of purifying light come to the planet on March 1st.  

We are in the Spring Equinox portal, preparing for many new ideas and projects to give way to expansion and growth, we are now on the threshold. We have been shedding the past karma of many lifetimes and linage wounds. There has been many layers to dissolve to get to the core. We are now ready to accept our beauty and brilliance as we graciously let go of the heaviness of the past. 

We are being held by The Divine Mother to step into this next phase of our Collective Journey. We are being fully...

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"Prepare Your Soul by Connecting to Our Earth" February 24th-March 2nd

Dear One,

This will be a big week of major astrological events. Fortunately, we are coming out of the Mars retrograde after several months of slowing down and turning inward. This intense and fiery energy was unearthing many old emotions, and shifting us to see and feel what no longer was supporting our evolutionary process. Today, you may feel a surge of vitality and clarity to overcome any and all obstacles. This will lead you to much success in your personal and professional life. 

We will also see another Planetary Alignment on February 27th with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which will amplify an energetic shift  to empower our spiritual journey. This is the perfect moment to reconnect with your higher self, clear out the remaining residual old energies that have kept you stagnant. Set aside time to re visit your intentions and focus on attracting your new vision and ideas, projects that might be coming around to begin again with a new...

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"The Compassionate Golden Heart" February 17th-23rd

Dear One,

We are still feeling the activation from the Full Moon in Leo, this was a major upgrade in greater awareness of what is happening within each of us on a cellular level and consciousness level. The Heart is the portal to receiving the love and light that its available to us all. We are waking up and accessing our Divine Codes that hold wisdom and freedom. We are the Divine.

As we shed and unravel the old ways from the inside out, we begin to feel and embrace our inner knowing from deep within our hearts and souls. This is a very magical time on Earth, a time off great change is happening on this planet. We have shifted into the higher timeline and the Heart of Humanity is open to see the truth and choose Love over everything.

Your Heart will be streaming this Golden Light of Compassion directly from Source, to shift the frequency of the this planet and ripple it out into the cosmos. We are ready to receive the abundance and miracles of this New Earth plane of...

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"Align With Your Divine Purity" February 10th-16th

Dear One,

It's time to shine from the inside out. You are so bright! You have everything you need inside of your cells, they are full of divine light and coded with knowledge. Re-wiring your whole system into a new story of existence. We are evolving into a new way of being and experiencing life on a new level that is sustainable for our Earth and all living beings. 

You are gathering all the things that align and support you, as it's time to let go of the rest that no longer serves your highest good. This month's energies will be assisting with this process of clearing and purifying your system. The Sun is blasting big plasma rays and pulsing big waves of light frequencies to upgrade our state of consciousness. The more you are open to receive the Sun Codes, the easier it will be to integrate.

This week, we will welcome a Full Moon in Leo on February 12th, also known as the Snow Moon. Encouraging our steps forward into bravery, self expression and creativity. Step out of the...

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"Everything is Being Transmuted into Love" February 3rd-9th

Dear One,

Welcome to the New Earth energies, we have entered February and feels like new timelines have been activated with 2025 being "Year of the Yin Wood Snake".  Also many astrological alignments and movements of planets into Aquarius. This is just the beginning, as we shed the old world and integrate the new frequencies, that will continue to amplify on the planet. We are ready to step into the Age of Aquarius and share our magic!

These higher frequencies and codes will activate us to the core and re-awaken our DNA that stores our blueprint from our Ancient History and memories of our gifts that we all carry. The clearing of the negative programming has been completed. We are now activating into syncing up with our Mother Earth to rise with her and shift into the Unity Consciousness, this will be done in stages for Humanity.

This month of February themes are, how do you get clarity about moving forward onto your path or mission? Many of the messaging from Spirit is get...

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"Integrating New Energies" January 27th-February 2nd

Dear One,

As we wrap up this jam packed Month of January with a beautiful New Moon in Aquarius and celebrate the New Lunar Year of the Wood Snake, we will continue to integrate all of the energies from last weeks Planetary Alignment. The more we trust this process of unfolding, the more we recognize and accept this cosmic dance. We are awakening the truth from within our soul, each step forward we take will guide us to our illuminated path. You Know the way.

Beginning with the New Earth Energies, they have arrived strongly, they will continue to affect the Collective on all levels, to release and shift the awareness of the higher consciousness. There is a lot of higher frequencies that may affect us on the physical level right now. Many will feel the body aches, headaches, and an urge to eat clean and help the body to clear out this dose energy from the past. Grounding and getting close to Mother Earth will ease these ascension symptoms. They too shall pass and you will receive more...

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"New Portals are Opening" January 20th-27th

Dear One,

January has already been very different than most, this month has been off the charts in solar energy coming to the planet and shifts within the Collective have been monumental.This is just the beginning of 2025. Each week we have experienced more disclosure coming to the surface to be revealed to awaken the Collective. This upcoming week will not disappoint, we have a parade of planets, that will align in the skies on January 25th. Pray for clear skies as this will be something to witness.

This Cosmic Alignment in our Solar System is a rare event, this one is going to be spectacular for Humanity. This is our opportunity to align with our soul's purpose and truly connect us with our higher consciousness. This is the moment we have been waiting for... It is here. There has never been this much light on the planet, as there is right now. As the portals open up all over the planet, more light is being anchored in by all the light workers, star seeds, shamans and mystics....

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"Full of True Potential" January 13th-19th

Dear One,

We will kick this week off with a "Full Wolf Moon in Cancer". This will bring up many things to release and clear out of our systems, as we prepare for the planetary alignment on the 25th of January. As, January has already been very potent and purifying. 2025 is a 9 year in numerology which means completion of many cycles. We will welcome in the New Year of Wood Snake at end of this month, January 29th.

This month and year will allow us to shed what no longer is needed in our existence.For this month write down those releases and burn them. Then bring in your Abundant codes. What are you wanting to attract into your experience? How can you align yourself with Mother Earth's vibration and frequency? These are just a few prompting questions you can journal with to kick start your new beginning. Take the time to journal and make a few notes on which things will stay and which things are being kicked to the curb.

This first full moon of the year is ideal for also getting...

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"Crossing Over into New Territory" January 6th-12th

Dear One,

 The energy has shifted so much since Jan 1st, like a weight of density has been lifted from the Collective Hearts and Minds. We have been clearing and detoxifying all of our systems. We will be navigating new territory this month forward. New beginnings and new opportunities will be available to us all. The grounding energy of this Capricorn season has allowed us to up level, with the release of Pluto shifting into Aquarius. So any placements of Capricorn or Cardinal signs, you will be feeling this new sense of freedom in most areas of your life. The lights are on and you have lift off. The creativity and inspiration is alive and well. This is the time to get centred and tend to the soil and prepare for the planting of seeds.

There has been an increased intensity with the solar activity this past weekend, the purge will continue on all levels for most and some have really upgraded after the integration period this past week as the solar flares will continue. So be...

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"Celebrate A New Chapter" December 22nd-January 5th

Dear One, Magic Maker,

We are closing out so many old stories held in our bodies and in our minds, ones that kept us in small places. Stories that perhaps were passed down from generation to generation. We have broken the glass ceiling, seeing more clearly, why we are here on this precious Earth, Jewel of the  Universe. We have come through the portal to the other side of being our authentic self, living our truth and shifting into the higher consciousness of Pure Love Frequency. 

We are waking form a deep sleep and are rising in vast numbers every day. The Solstice opened the gateway to true freedom and set us free from a controlled environment to now choosing a life of Harmony and Peace. It is time to celebrate with your people, your soul family, your extended community. "We are Free at last, we are free at last" by Nelson Mandala.

We had a big shift in our Collective Consciousness on December 25th, and leading up the second new moon in Capricorn, we are able to planet...

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Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.