Energy Updates

"Anchor into Your Light Body" May 15th-21st

Dear Ones,

The blasting of powerful solar and cosmic light continues to awaken the codes and cells within our bodies to be ready to keep absorbing more light to elevate our frequency. You may or may not be adapting to the higher more potent energies coming in very rapidly now. This process of ascension is a wild ride for us individually and collectively, but we are seeing some dramatic changes in our awareness and in the world around us. The key here is to allow, let go of the resistance in the mind and open the heart to receive the light and love for your evolutionary process.

Our human mind and conditioning, ego self is in process of surrendering all the old programming so we can move forward into a more easeful and abundant settings, allowing and adapting to a new way of being. This slow burn affect has been going on for sometime, as we slowly unravel and grow a new nervous system, rewire our brain and switch our operating system to heart frequency. The cells are detoxifying and t...

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"Communication with Spirit in Many Forms" May 8th-14th

Hello Friends,

We have had a really big energy week just past with an eclipse, full moon and solar flares, bringing a lot to the surface to be released from our systems. This week can be a great time to just allow the dust to settle. Just allow your whole being to integrate the shifts. We are all on this amazing journey of discovery together. We have been doing so much letting go of the toxicity that was stored in our cells. Well done! This is just the new beginning for all of us to embrace...

Many of you have been introspective and trying to figure out what is next. We are being fully supported and guided now. We have so may beautiful guides and spirit animals that are communicating with us all the time, wether in dreamtime or everyday life. All of life is giving us clues on how to be in unity with our natural environment. Our human mind is working so hard to push us in the right direction. What if we listen to our heart and soul, it will begin to flow more effortlessly to us.

Our ...

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"Prepare for the Lunar Eclipse" May 1st-May 7th

Hello Friends,

This major energy blast has been coming in since the weekend, and will intensify some what  leading up to Friday's Lunar Eclipse Full Super Moon in Scorpio. This will be a very transformative time for the Collective, many shadows are coming to the surface to be embraced and released out of your body. It has been a drain on the body, mind, and soul as we navigate again what is happening to our whole systems. 

This is the last big purge and purification to detoxify and let go of the old system that has been corrupting our Light and soul expression for eons. We are all feeling this on different levels of intensity, but every living being is feeling this on the deepest cellular level. This is the game changer we have been waiting for to shift us from this deeper awareness from the inside. To allow us to integrate this new consciousness, new awareness of how we choose to live in alignment and with our Authentic expression in Love with who we are and becoming in this metamor...

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"Month of Expansion" April 24th-30th

Dear Friends,

Wanted to check in with you all, to see how you're are all doing out there with the largest amount of energy coming in over these last few days. The last 2 months have given us plenty to integrate and purify our whole systems of toxicity, old programs and patterns of the past. This push to unplug from the Matrix has been erratic and difficult for everyone. Our attention has been directed towards radical self care now. Allowing this Ascension process to take place for the evolution of Humanity, one soul at a time, on our specific timelines. WE have tipped the scales now of people awakening to what is happening here on Earth. 

Rounding out April with lots of huge Solar activity and CME(Coronal Mass Ejection) from the Sun. And plenty of activations for the body and mind. The Cosmos has been delivering many gifts to us here on Earth. Such as a solar eclipse last week, highlighting our relationships and   baggage. Giving us prompts to clear deeper into the emotional body and...

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"Walk Your Own New Path" April 3rd-9th

Dear Friends,

Welcome to April and a whole new level of cosmic energy. It has been a big blast of energy from the start of April. Many will have felt disorientated this past weekend. Low energy and slightly triggered. We are going through another layer of the old and releasing it out of our total systems, mostly the cellular and physical bodies. So that we can integrate the new higher frequencies of light consciousness.

These massive energy blasts come in waves for the physical human body can not handle it any other way. It would blow up the nervous system if it happened all at once. So as we go through this ascension process of rebirth and growth, our souls are aware of this evolutionary process. WE are here to assist in the rise of our Mother Earth and all inhabitants into higher consciousness of Oneness. 

This month will be a game changer for all. This global shift has begun to unravel the old 3D system that has been operating and controlling the people of this planet. It will be...

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"Sacred Ceremony for Re-Emergence" March 27th-April 2nd

Dear Friends,

We are now experiencing a completely different frequency, most are feeling the shift that has occurred from last weeks Spring Equinox, new moon and Pluto entering Aquarius. March was a big month for the Collective sparked to look inward for life review and the new choices that are available. This energy is full of action and direction to create how we wish to live in alignment with our soul's purpose.

This week with the end of March and start of April will be prompting many to make some big life choices. We have had this past winter season to work on our inner world and cultivate our soil and listen to the whispers of the soul getting louder. What have you focused on over this past winter? And what is emerging from the depths of your soul? Are you ready to make some major shifts and release what no longer applies?

Today, March 27th there will be 5 planets align, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Mercury and Jupiter, this is a rare occurrence and signals the Collective to take note....

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"Light is Bright and in Balance on Spring Equinox" March 20th-26th

Dear Friends,

Today marks a very special celebration for us in the Northern Hemisphere,it is Spring Equinox and those in the southern Hemisphere is Fall Equinox. To those who have struggled with the dark days of winter, we are now seeing the signs of Spring and melting of the snow. And some green shoots showing up too. We are letting go and shedding the old and welcoming the new growth we have received over the winter.

Many will hold ceremonies and honour what has passed and now what lies ahead as we are preparing our soil for planting seeds of hope and abundance. The high frequency energies are being felt as exciting new beginnings, new adventures, fresh starts and opportunities to choose in this now moment. This is what today represents, that we are at zero point, zero degrees, a chance to choose what is best for each individual moving forward in this new experience. To choose a life of Freedom and to thrive on this planet.

We have faced many challenges these past few years and no...

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"Wisdom Teachings From The Standing Ones" March 6th-March 12th

Dear Friends,

Here we are, first full week into March and we have already experienced so many Solar Flares coming off of our Sun that are Class M, which is huge energy in plasma frequency. This is going to intensify for us to release so much of the density we carry in our DNA. Tuesday, March 7th we will also experience a very powerful "Virgo Full Moon" to assist us in letting go of the baggage that we have carried for the last 5 years.  

We are moving into a new chapter where we can dream and create a new way of living in this elevated realm. We collectively will be feeling the watery Pisces energy, are you ready to expand in so many ways? Pisces is mystical and dreamy and Saturn will be stationed in Pisces for the next 3 years, giving way to enhancing your intuitive nature. You know the way!

This is a most auspicious time in our Human history to raise the Collective frequency and see how we shift the density that we have been living in for eons. It is our time to shine and be brave...

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"New Chapter is Beginning" Feb 27-Mar 5

Dear Friends,

It has been a month of intense transition and integration of the new energies on the planet. We are now stepping into a whole new Month of March with a much deeper awareness of where we are going, into a new direction and feeling lighter on all levels of being. Our physical body has been playing catch up to the rest of our spiritual being, as we are remembering our own pasts and envisioning our now and future timelines.

  Some of the things and themes you may be experiencing, lots of old pain and trauma surfacing to be released, relationship challenges, changing locations, letting go of things, people and employment, purification process and letting go of grief. We are in this massive Purification of the matrix attachments.

Are you ready to accept the life that you choose and will create for yourself to experience? Accept that you are powerful and a beautiful light to this new reality. Do you wish to experience peace and love in all areas of you existence? Can you drea...

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"We Have Reached the Peak" Dec 26th-Jan 2nd/2023

Dear Ones,

Wishing you a blessed Holiday Season, and the turning of the wheel as we step into 2023. We have all been riding many waves of ascension and evolving into a new way of being on Earth. Since the Solstice, and new moon Dec 23rd, we have been feeling many emotions and releasing old beliefs and old patterns. Recognizing them as they come to the surface, to be let go. Many of you may have noticed that you felt differently about the pressures of the Christmas gathering. It does not carry the same charge as it once did. 

As we wind down 2022 and all take a Big Exhale, we can reflect on a year for the History books, one of great change and revealing of truth. We can all agree that this year was fast and furious. One where most felt the great squeeze to uncomfortable growth. This year of Transition was so necessary for what is our next Phase for New Earth to be actualized for All.

We have reached a new level of Consciousness and Awareness to put our missions into focus and come to...

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Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.