Dear Ones,
The blasting of powerful solar and cosmic light continues to awaken the codes and cells within our bodies to be ready to keep absorbing more light to elevate our frequency. You may or may not be adapting to the higher more potent energies coming in very rapidly now. This process of ascension is a wild ride for us individually and collectively, but we are seeing some dramatic changes in our awareness and in the world around us. The key here is to allow, let go of the resistance in the mind and open the heart to receive the light and love for your evolutionary process.
Our human mind and conditioning, ego self is in process of surrendering all the old programming so we can move forward into a more easeful and abundant settings, allowing and adapting to a new way of being. This slow burn affect has been going on for sometime, as we slowly unravel and grow a new nervous system, rewire our brain and switch our operating system to heart frequency. The cells are detoxifying and then better able to absorb Divine Light codes. This is a slow drip process so we don't blow up our existing system, the change over must be slow, so we can release the old and accept the new, as it integrates we feel we can accept the new.Then we can fully acknowledge the shift and love every aspect of our being and most importantly be gentle on all that we are forming for a new perspective.
Many are struggling with the in-between two worlds feeling, it is confusing and difficult to make any sense of what is actually happening in each moment. Another nugget is to stay in the present moment and not get to far ahead or linger in the past. You are here Now and you are doing amazing we have been part of something miraculous, we are shifting and changing a whole consciousness from the inside of our bodies, minds and souls. This is why you are here, and this is why there are so many people on the planet right now to assist in the shaping and assisting future generations of us will be in thrive mode not in survival mode any more.This is the end of that enslavement program. It is done, and so it is.
We have been going through expansion and contraction now for 2-3 years, it has intensified and now we are getting ready for the next phase of our human journey. This will be like a wave or wild fire as it spreads through the Human Consciousness, to look beyond our limitations and see our infinite potential. We are ready for a whole new existence on Planet Earth and our Mother Gaia is leading the way.
The energies this week are preparing us for this very grounded expansion with a new moon in Taurus, June 19/20th, gifting the Collective to tenderly accept new beginnings and new perceptions of how to take your ideas and creativity to the next level. We are infused with so much knowledge. Time to land and anchor it into our Light bodies for maximum efficiency on your journey of evolution.
Slow things down, rest and observe your thoughts and what is showing up for you in those reflective moments. You are magic wrapped in Love. You are amazing, Keep going!!
Love and Blessings, so much Gratitude!
Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.