Hello Friends,
We have had a really big energy week just past with an eclipse, full moon and solar flares, bringing a lot to the surface to be released from our systems. This week can be a great time to just allow the dust to settle. Just allow your whole being to integrate the shifts. We are all on this amazing journey of discovery together. We have been doing so much letting go of the toxicity that was stored in our cells. Well done! This is just the new beginning for all of us to embrace...
Many of you have been introspective and trying to figure out what is next. We are being fully supported and guided now. We have so may beautiful guides and spirit animals that are communicating with us all the time, wether in dreamtime or everyday life. All of life is giving us clues on how to be in unity with our natural environment. Our human mind is working so hard to push us in the right direction. What if we listen to our heart and soul, it will begin to flow more effortlessly to us.
Our natural environment will attune us to the rhythm of our seasons. Mother Earth is guiding our process of growth and new beginnings, we have experienced many forms of shedding and endings. What is prompting you to step into growth and rejuvenation? What is inspiring you this Spring ? Notice the environment around you, really orientate by looking all around, what do you notice first in your awareness? Choose that one thing and really focus on it and look what happens to you?
We have so much inspiration available in nature to support us and fully engage us in communication to receive messages and love from Spirit. Our pets are such a beautiful way to connect to Spirit as they love us unconditionally too. Spend time with your animals and time out in Nature and see your system regulate immediately.
Take your time and slow things down to observe how you are growing this season. Blessings of new growth and new beginnings.
Love Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.