"The Light Is Burning Bright Within You" June 10th-16th

Dear One,

This week's energy is really different, its like standing in the eye of a storm. The energy is swirling and very ungrounded. Not too sure what is going on. Only know that if I stand in the centre of my being, listen to my heart, move slowly and rest, It too shall pass. Stand in Your Light!

In my deep listing, we are moving into new territory of our evolutionary journey. Some are completely unplugging from the old world, so we can begin to create the New Earth and some will linger a little longer to make the transition to the Unity Consciousness. This is done is phases. We are moving through so much of the density, shifting and shedding and now we can begin to anchor our light here on Earth and ground the higher frequency into our bodies. This is no small feat, but so many are coming online and are moving through these waves of evolution to create, new ways of thriving and co existing on this beautiful Planet Earth.

We are in the middle of Gemini season, no shortage of ups and downs, as we are shown how to balance our own energies, and observe the duality at play here. Last week was full of expansion and grand ideas, and this week we have the contraction, integrate the ideas and put them into practical application. Allow the energy from the charge to land and then follow through.

So if you are feeling any other this, be the observer and witness of your brilliance in all stages, come down from the sky and plant your seeds here, to grow and be nurtured through theses changing times. Smell the roses, take time to marinate those beautiful ideas and dreams. Fill your whole self up with sunshine. And allow the unfolding to just happen.

We are all in this together, Love where you are and Let Go of the rest. Thank you for your Light! BraveHeart!


Love Rainbow xxx


Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.