"Stand Tall and Be Proud" Dec 27-Jan 2, 2022

Hello Beloveds,

As we wind down our final week of 2021, we have an opportunity to reflect on how far we have come. This has been a year of tremendous soul growth and deep awareness.  Going inward to be witness to our own transformation and integration of how we are all evolving. 

Stand Tall and Be Proud of how far you have come through all of this Global Bull  S%#@. We have let go of the old stories and begun to heal our Linages and walk a new Path that is unfolding before us. As, We trust in the Sacred Divine Knowledge, we see the Truth that has always been here in the land and in every living being. The blindfold is off and we are able to see the Divine Energy in Everything and is all around us.

WE are "The Light Hearted Warriors of Peace" who are ready to create the New Earth. We have been training for this our whole lives. We have navigated the pitfalls and heartaches, the disappointments and sacrifices.  

You are emerging triumphant in your Beautiful Quest of Resilience and now feel the Pulse of the Universe. You are all magnificent in your Hearts and Trust is your biggest asset as we move into a Unified Consciousness. You Know that "We the People" is the only way forward. 

The Beautiful Transformation of the Humans of Planet Earth is underway and is a specific timeline for each person, so be gentle on yourself and others as they transform from within before you. 

The energy this week will be powerful and transformative in nature as we receive it as intense light energy to clear out the cells of darkness and toxicity. Some of the body symptoms will be felt as achy and low energy. Best remedy is to stay hydrated and each warm foods. Rest and Nourish the body/soul this week to be ready for the New Energy coming to the Planet for 2022 this weekend. It will be a much higher Frequency to put us into action mode.

Let's Go ! We are Ready to Recieve Divine Love and Guidance from Our Higher selves that are already coded with the Ancient knowledge of What is next!!! Trust in Your Deep Knowing.

Love and Light and many Blessings as we embrace all that we are...

Love always,  

Rainbow Light Hearted Warrior of Peace 



Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.