"Cosmic Wonders" May 30-June 5

Greetings Beloveds,

The Collective has been clearing more old programming out of the mental and going deeper into our psyche to attain clarity. We are just emerging from this past eclipse season, ready now to bring in and recieve the benefits of new fresh energy that is available. Many upgrades that were experienced on the physical level. The CME levels over these last few weeks were highest and most potent reached on Earth so far. The solar flares have a great impact on our physical bodies, many us feel aches and pains, dizziness, tiredness, confusion and overwhelm. Stay hydrated and rested to ride these symptons.

Today is a new moon and this is creating a feeling of lightness, and will be especially felt after this intense period of feeling heavy. May was a big moth of transformation and inner growth, we will begin June with brightness, as we approach Summer Solstice, the return of the Light in the Northern Hemisphere. 

Many of you may be feeling flat or unmotivated today, we are in a pause energy, we are still integrating may of the shifts that we have experienced over this last while. Keep allowing yourselves to unfold naturally, we have been so programmed to push and fight airway through the low feelings. This is part of our evolution, to recognize and remember who we are. We are Light Beings from the stars and we are ready to enjoy our human journey her on Earth now. 

Getting your self care practices and routines in flow will be start of a great summer season, soaking up the glorious sunlight and fresh fruits and veggies.

Enjoy this week of rest and celebrate how far you have come on this journey. Celebrate YOU!!

We are making great progress on our evolutionary soul journeys.

Blessings of Love and Abundance,

Rainbow xxx 


Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.