Hope this communication finds you well in this Now moment! Sending you so much Love and Light as the Beauty and Magic surrounds you.
We have arrived at this day, 12/12/20 a huge Portal day opening us to the energies of the 21/12/20 Solstice Celebration. We will ride this high vibe energy wave until 31/12/20.
This year's Solstice is extra special, as we are truly celebrating the Return of our Divine Light, as we align with our Truth and Galactic Sun is activating Mother Earth to Ascend into the Higher Consciousness. We have so much to celebrate and be grateful for at this time in our Human History. WE have arrived at this new timeline of our evolution.
We are all awakening out of this "Deep Sleep" that All of Humanity has been in for a very longtime. More and more humans are coming on line to witness who they are and that they are remembering their origins and connections to this beautiful planet Earth.
We the Collective Consciousness are realizing that we are on a spiritual quest for Oneness and Unity. Once you have awakened there is no going back to sleep. Your deep knowing is rising with in your inner soul.
There will be many celebrations going on around the world and meditations to join as the Collective continues to raise one another up into the higher Frequency of 5D and beyond.
WE have been patiently holding this timeline for all of Humanity to except as part of their Divine Truth and step forward to embrace how magnificent being Human really is.
Celebrate by connecting to your beautiful inner Light and Shine it outward for all the world to see! It is safe to show who you really are.
Blessings of Light and Magic to you!
Love Rainbow
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.