Dear One,
If you are feeling exhausted and confused, you are not alone. The Schumann Resonance was off the chart these last few days. The Earth Frequency was amplified by some big X class solar flares, which are re configuring our DNA, clearing our cells and upgrading our systems to function on a higher level of Consciousness.
We welcome the 12/12 portal to the 12/21 Winter Solstice portal as we prepare to receive a major upgrade and new beginnings for our Earth experience. This will be felt on the physical and emotional levels as we clear out any old programs and density form the past. Our nervous systems are recalibrating to the New Earth Frequency.
We can use this time to rest, recover and release any old energies that no longer resonate with us. This weekend we will have a Rare Super Full Blue Moon in Gemini. This moon will highlight, the release of duality consciousness and open us up to receive and restore our true Unity Consciousness back into balance with in our Divine existance. This is a most auspicious time in our Human history weaving the Stars and our Earth back into Universal Harmony.
Gift yourself lots of self care and restorative practices over these next few weeks. Be gentle and move slowly for this season, to integrate and allow the falling away of the things that do not vibrate with your evolving energy. Getting close to Mother Earth and listen closely to the change in her Heart beat.
Blessings of Ease and Grace,
Love Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.