Hello Beloveds,
As we wind down the month of February, we will experience a lot of endings and clear out the old energies of the Patriarchal, to make room for more abundance and opportunities to flood into our lives. This world is experiencing many different chaotic events, we are coming out of a world pandemic that has keep us in a suppressed state for so long. In Canada we witnessed the power of the people, rise to stand up for our freedom to choose.
There was a lot of movement and change that occurred this past month. The truth is being revealed and uncovered to the world to witness. We are now preparing for the new beginnings of March this week and the first new moon in Pisces on March 2nd. This will usher in a fresh new energy for the start of Spring to inspire us to grow and allow the new shoots to expand our awareness of our higher consciousness. It will be magical. And full of potential.
Birds are singing their songs of joy and excitement of warmer days is in the air. They are already gathering twigs for the building of their nests to welcome their offspring to this beautiful natural world. We can observe nature and learn, as we use our voices to sing our songs, to uplift others to feel apart of the magic we can create together.
This week will begin heavy and then shift into a lightness, we have not experienced before. Prepare yourselves for great change in your lives to allow the old to fall away and embrace the new with curiosity and see the beauty all-round you. The key is to integrate this shift throughout the whole self, mostly on the cellular level.
Stay grounded in self to embody your magnificent soul. The energies will be big and come in like waves. Be gentle on yourselves and allow the changes to flow and leave you feeling more clear, more in balance.
Love and Blessings,
Love always,
Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.