Dear One,
Very interesting times are upon us and are ramping up now. As, we are closing out the month of July, there are some big energies coming into prepare us for the month of August, as it will be most impactive. The Collective has received some heat this month to clear more of the density in and around our cellular make up. WE have been going more inward this month, more letting go is required of any residual toxic patterns and programs. As the frequency of Planet Earth increases, we are having to slow things down to really integrate all that is shifting with in and all around us.
Recap of this past weekend with Leo season arriving, we can look at our confidence levels increasing and actions towards stepping deeper onto our path and purpose. Get ready to receive more inspiration and innovative ideas for clarity. Are you ready to step into your power and be a leader for The New Earth? Venus has gone into a brief retrograde until September 3rd, allowing us to re-evaluate our relationships, and strengthen our connections to our soul families and loved ones. Chiron has also gone into retrograde, giving us an opportunity to release any old wounding around our healing gifts and talents.
June 25th is a Day Out of Time from the Mayan Calendar. This day represents a day between the Old and the New World. Also known as the Zero Point 144. This space between the worlds is a day to honour and pause, get ready to welcome the shift of new possibilities. The 26th of July is the beginning of the New Galactic Calendar and the opening of the Lions Gate. Create sometime to breathe and steady your whole system for this next big shift.
Get ready for some big breakthroughs coming as we are changing our beliefs and becoming more aware of our truths. It is time to reach for the stars and connect to our higher knowing. We are becoming vibrationally ready for this next up levelling.
As I observe the Sunflowers growing taller and reaching toward the sun behind my home, I feel inspired by them to keep going to keep growing towards the light even if there are gloomy days. We are almost there. It has been an uphill climb but the dense and dark energies has dissolved and the different contradictory narratives will also begin to fade away. Attune and Listen to your body for clues and feel into the vibrations of things, people and places on how they make you feel. You may become even more sensitive to sounds and smells over the next few days.
Keep your food and water clean and get lots of rest this week. You will be going through an other stage of the Metamorphosis. Take care of your home environment by clearing our old things that no longer serve and clear a sacred space to write and nourish your soul. Reminder you can always go to Mother Nature for some recharging and grounding beautiful butterfly. Smell the roses.
Happy Transforming and Receiving Love and Abundance.
Love and Blessings,
Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.