Dear One,
Wow! What a summer of internal shifts for the Collective, some were very abrupt, some were subtle. As we wind down summer and allow integration of all that has been experienced on every level, inner reflection and stillness is required for this week. We have experienced so many upgrades and will continue to receive them through our Sun, as the solar flares will intensify leading up to our next eclipse season.
Spending time in nature, to sit and absorb the grounding frequency of Mother Earth, we can connect back to feeling this unwavering support on the physically, mentally, emotionally, to better receive the nourishing energy of Our Divine Mother. We are not separate, we are all family, as we return to this sanctuary of calm, we are able to rest and reset the whole system back to regulation. We also have unlimited access to this giving resource everyday.
These latest upgrades since Lions Gate are now being re-awakened in our soul memories to be activated and actualized. All the pieces of you and your gifts are coming together, to give you the full picture of what is next. There are many more, that will continue to come on line for each individual, activating to see and respond to the call of action, to implement positive change for all of Humanity. The New Earth Leaders are emerging, our true essence is rising to empower our soul missions. Are You Ready? We are Rising together to lead.
We have just entered into the calming energy of Virgo for the next month, the season of refinement. Changes this week, will be softening our communication, flow will return as Mercury will be go Direct on August 28th. Our creativity and self expression emerge with clarity as we begin a new season. The fog is lifting, the shifts are creating ripples around the planet, and Humanity is being prepared for a whole new way of thriving in Harmony and balance.
Take the time to ground in and listen to you soul whispers, you are right where you are meant to be.
Blessings of Love to you,
Love Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.