"Pure Power of Love" January 15th-29th

Dear One,

What an accelerated energy shift into this year of 2024. We have hit the ground running it seems. The energy around us is very high vibrationally, as we continue to evolve and elevate our consciousness. Many of us are remembering our true form and we are being activated and cleared to recall our mission here on Earth. We are made up of Divine Love. Our mission is to embody the unconditional Love, to then ripple that out into the Collective consciousness. To Love ourselves on the deepest level possible, we are the Way showers, the Path Cutters, the ones who know the way forward.  

We are beginning a new cycle, as we are in the midst of closing out a 12,000 yr growth cycle for the Earth and Humanity. The truth of our existence is being revealed to us Individually and Collectively. We are connected to Source/God/Creator. And we are powerful beyond our wildest dreams. We are able to harness our magic now and remember our dreams and fulfil our souls desires. Activate our Blueprint and remember we are Creator Beings here to birth a New Earth into existence. One of Harmony and Love.

The portal energy of welcoming in "The Age of Aquarius" on January 20th, 2024 is open to assist us in navigating and accepting our expanded selves and embody all parts of our multi dimensional knowledge of the Now. Pluto will shift signs on the 20th and remain in Aquarius for 20 years, this time is known from Prophecies as "The Golden Years". Humanity and Mother Gaia will experience great expansion and will completely change and transform us on all levels of Being. This New Era ends the Karmic cycle and loop we have been living and shifts our Consciousness into Unity.  "This Aquarian Age" will grace us with Peace and Unification of all Peoples of Earth.  WE are One.

Of course this will not happen instantly in real time, the transition will be over 3-4 year period for adjustments and implementation of new more efficient structures to be put in place to provide equal opportunity for all. But, in the hearts and spirits of Humanity there will be joy and freedom, living and breathing new life into our Beautiful Lush and Prosperous Mother Earth. As, we learn to listen and follow the guidance of Our True Mother (Planet Earth) Gaia. Together we will re-build and co-create a land of harmony, balance and communities that thrive in all ways. This is our time, to move into this harmonized state of existence, and return peace to our whole universe.

Be Gentle on yourselves and be in a place to receive this wave of unconditional Love. You are so loved! This is also a time to celebrate all that you have endured and all that you are in this incarnation and all the other lives that you lived. You bring so much to this next chapter, thank you for believing and holding these codes so dear.  

Love and Blessings,

Rainbow xxx 



Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.