We are at the beginning of our new way of being. We have been going through so much expansion together as One Species, One Earth, One Consciousness.
Time to rise above the density, and fly past the clouds and reach for the Great Sun. Thank you Father Sky for your encouragement and protection, as we shift Humanity into Infinity, everlasting Love and Compassion. Thank you Mother Earth for your unlimited nourishment and grounded support as we rise together.
Thank you Grandmother Moon for your Divine wisdom and gratitude as you watch over us and guide us through the ebb and flow of Creation.
We are ready to Create a New Earth as one Consciousness, one built on Harmony and Peace. WE can create what we wish to attract and live a life of joy and fulfilment, in all of your dreams, shift it into reality of now.
Sending you all a beautiful New Moon Blessings and happy new beginnings too. Open your Heart to Love and Light will flood in. May you find your Heart expression and create with magic and joy. Let go of the old and trust that you are so protected and guided on this journey home to your brilliant self. It is safe to believe that we are all connected and a part of something so beautiful, it may be hard to understand at this moment but keep moving forward and see that your inner compass is on track for a hopefully future.
Blessings !
Love always, Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.