Greetings Beloveds,
We are all in this constant state of change, on all levels of being, we go through so much transformation, growth, shedding, death and rebirth. Here we are now in a more obvious state of not returning to what was once familiar or comfortable, the Universe is pushing us further along to except our path, to shift the Human Consciousness, to enter a new state of awareness and move from duality to Oneness.
This Spring in the mountains has been slow and deep, observing the undercurrents of change and nurturing the seeds deep in our soils. Winter dragged its heels to allow us to linger just a little longer in the Cave. The cool and wet temperatures have slowed all of the new Spring growth so the Collective has time to gather the strength and courage to allow this major transformation to occur. Its Happening Now!!
This week we are feeling the pull and surge of the Strawberry Super Full Moon. This will be a potent and empowering time to dream and nourish the soul and prepare for the new energies coming in. We will also be opening up the Summer Solstice portal for next week June 21st. Expect big change and major shifts in your life. We have been in this Fire element for a few months, allowing things to leave, the winds of change are moving things that our not in our current frequency now. Drop the petals of resistance and watch what happens.
This is a challenging time in our Human history, as we have all come to assist Humanity to birth a New Earth and a New Consciousness. We have come through a great deal of pain and suffering. We are ready now to embrace our Soul's blueprint and remember all that we are... as we too are evolving and becoming the bright lights to light the way Home.
Stay grounded this week and keep dreaming of how you wish to live and create the world that awaits You! We are creating this New Earth together.
Keep going Beautiful Souls. Love and Blessings for all that you are.
Love Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.