Dear One,
So much has been cleared from the Collective field and in your own auric field these past few weeks. The mass clearing started around the 8/8 portal and has been intense for everyone. As we begin November, the energy is very different from the last few months, more positive in nature. And most definitely everything has speed up even more.
We are in the 111 &1111 portal this week. Some may be feeling this massive clearing on all levels of being, lots of head pressure, congestion, coughing and clearing your lungs. You will begin to feel more clear cognitively, emotionally and physically you are strengthen your whole being and connecting to your higher self. Many of you will be getting an upgrade and able to download more information for what is next in our evolutionary journey. We are clearing generations of trauma, breaking old cycles and patterns and we are here to re-write new stories for our families.
The main themes this week are "Trust in your intuition" and "Letting Go" of the old story that you may be holding on to. It is time to step forward with courage in your Heart and make the shifts that will support you moving forward to attract what you want in your life. This is a sacred journey for your existence and for generations to come.
It may feel like you are between worlds, that is because the old one is dying and the new one is being birthed through the Higher Consciousness of the Collective. What a magical time to be alive here on planet Earth to witness this new seeding of Pacha mama and the hopes and dreams coming into fruition for future generations. Hold the Light in your Heart and stay the course, you make a difference with everything that you are.
Thank you for your Courage!
Blessings to you!
Love Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.