Hello Beloveds,
This week we have been able to soften our Hearts and step more into a focused way of being. Understanding the momentum of the Universal Love behind us. WE have integrated and cleared a lot of our past and have been able to receive more of the light code activations in these last few weeks.
We are preparing our Hearts for more expansion to receive unconditional Love from The Divine. The Moon is building to reach its full lunation for next week. The moon light is activating us to feel her magnetic brilliance in her presents, to inspire us to shine day or night for the world to witness.
The energy this week is ramping up for the weekend as we are receiving Lots of Solar Winds from the sun. They will hit Earth with a blast of Galactic Love from our Soul Families. They are letting us know they are here in full support now to make the biggest shift Humanity will every know.
We are gaining movement towards our Unity Consciousness with our Freedom building in our Hearts and souls. We have realized lately that we are a very strong and are not easily broken. Keep going we are on the brink of living a whole new existence for All Our Relations!
Be Love! Be Who You Are! We are in this together! Love is all there is!
Blessings to you! Love always !
Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.