"Lunation Energy is Activating our Dreamtime" Oct 10th-16th

Dear Beloveds,

Hope that you are basking in the afterglow of the Hunter Moon? This super moon was a very powerful and prominent activation for the Collective. The full moon on Sunday was in the sign of Aries, bringing the fire and action to release our old stories and beliefs as we can then make room for the new higher timelines to emerge.  

October had started off with very intense energies moving and transmuting the old systems within us. The cosmos has been assisting Humanity thus far with 6 planets in retrograde to the alignments of certain planets such as Venus returning to her home in Libra season. All of this will prepare us for the eclipse season starting Oct 25th. 

Many of you may have noticed that you are having more memorable and vivid dreams of late. This promenade Lunation is stirring memories and activating our deeper knowing of self and higher self knowledge is being revealed. We are remembering more of our history and our different experience around the galaxies.

Over these next few weeks the Collective will be witness to more of the truth surfacing in all facets of our existence here on Mother Earth. The more that you dive into your own inner world and accept yourself, the more the Collective will begin to shift as one into Unity Consciousness.  We have the power to reclaim our Sovereignty and stand together as one Nation, for the good of all living beings and to shift this Earth to its rightful place amongst our Star Brothers and Sisters. WE are no longer separate from anyone. WE are One Family of souls to expand our awareness to share our love and compassion for all Beings of this Universe. 

Stay the Course for your Heart and soul to rest in ease and Peace all around you!

Be gentle and listen to your body as it is also guiding you to your highest expression in this experience. 

Much Love and Blessings of Peace to you!

Love Rainbow xxx


Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.