Love is in our Roots.

#weeklywritings Nov 15, 2020
We are still feeling the beautiful waves and energies of 11/11 today. This was a huge
breakthrough for Humanity. The Global Energy Grid of Our Mother Earth has shifted into higher dimensions and Higher Consciousness. Bathing now in a much more cosmically connected support system.
Many Light Beings came together Yesterday in Meditation to activate the Grid that is weaving us all together as ONE UNIFIED FIELD. Thank you Grandmother Spider.
WE are living, breathing and co-creating a new existence for all of Humanity to step into in this NOW moment.
Ask yourself: What can we each contribute to elevate the Human Consciousness here on Earth? Love deeply, Love yourself, Love each other, Love and grow your roots into this Earth?
This is why we have come to embody  Love in Human form. It is so beautiful when we see the amount of Love in the Human Heart that is boundless.
We are infinite Love. WE are not separate from God/Source Love.
Love your Ancient Roots, you carry so much Wisdom in your cells.
Time now to release the old patterns and wounds and step into you Brilliance.  
You are now ready to reclaim who you really are...
Take the journey: Soul Path Prep Course
Blessings xx

Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.