Hello Beloveds,
Today I bow my head in deep gratitude for this life, this beautiful journey and all that I have experienced on Earth. In quiet reflection, we can stand still in the centre and observe our life, to step into a new awareness of what this life is and how you wish to navigate it and to experience all that is available.
Humanity is now at this new place of awareness, of choice, which path do you choose? We are becoming more aware as a Collective, the fact that we can choose how we live, communicate and experience this unfolding magical journey. We are all at different levels of this unfolding, but the deeper we dig and uncover the more we want to unearth, to see all that we are made of and all that we are experiencing is truly a miracle. We are changing rapidly in the grand scheme of the Universe.
Here is an invitation to step outside the boundaries of the mind and explore the inner landscape off your being. This journey will guide you into to the most wondrous places of your whole being, the discoveries will be rich and varied, that belong only to you. You are a free and Sovereign Being, adventure where you have not been before, Be brave and courageous. For You are a Warrior of Light! You are a Child of Earth, let Pachamama nourish your whole self. Reconnect to her in ceremony and share the gratitude for how much you appreciate her support and unconditional love she shares with all her children.
This message comes from My Heart to yours, from the place of deepest Gratitude for being here to Light the way for yourself and for others to follow. I SEE YOU!!!
Love and Blessings to all my Brothers and Sisters, Thank You!
Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.