"Following a Newly Lite Path" August 19th-25th

Dear One,

You are so ready to embark on a new adventure of discovery. Today marks a new path forward, one you have never walked before. A newly lite path that you may not have noticed until today. August 19th is a Super Full Moon in Aquarius, gifting us a new perspective on what is next for our evolutionary journey. We have let go of many things, we have been diving deep into the darkest parts of the unconscious mind, and have resolved many shadow aspects of self.  

Today, we step forward with a more clear and focused understanding of walking a path that is uncomplicated. Trusting the unknown, belief in your abilities and the ancient knowing that you have coded in your DNA, in your bones, that has been stored there for safe keeping, until now. You are being activated now, to remember the information that will be shared as only you have this information for Humanity. So there may be some movement within the body to unleash the old programs and reactivated the codes, for you have the keys to unlock this sacred information and reveal the codes for the reclaiming of our Sovereign way forward to the New Earth. 

This week will be hectic and somewhat charged, as we will feel the effects of this Super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius along with all of Humanity for another few days or so. We are clearing the past, this is the best window to allow the flow to take the lead for this week as we are winding down our Leo and summer season. This is the perfect time to soak up these dog days of summer. Nourish your Heart and Soul with some gatherings of your favourite people to lighten the current energetics. 

Recharge your energy with plenty of rest and good practices. You are continuing to upgrade your system and integrate more of the joy every day.

Love and Blessings to you!

Rainbow xxx 


Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.