"Endless Possibilities Are Here Now"

#channeledmessage May 16, 2021

Hello Beloved, 

What a powerful week of incoming Light to Our Planet. It was felts as waves, of high energy and then exhaustion in a matter of minutes. By now, you should be an expert at surfing these waves of different energies. Your body is adapting to this much lighter frequency, if you are unplugging from the density, and resting when your body says, go slow and steady, you are attuning to the guidance of your Higher Self.

We are not here to fight the system, we are not here to be right or wrong, we are here to Be our Infinite Expression of Love, Light and Compassion. The Path of Least Resistance is Here Now, follow your Heart and the Lightness that you Be.

Trust that you know the way, because you do! You are not lost, you have always known the way as it is coded in your cells, they are coded with intelligence as they are Divine Omnipresence from the Heavens. Even the people that will come onto your path have been chosen by you, each experience and even the hard falls have been orchestrated by you, the Architect of your Life. 

Welcome  the opportunities you have been waiting for, the dreams, the wishes, the energy portals of knowing are opening us up to see, feel, and be in this infinite and endless possibility of Beingness.

Embrace your new found energy and lightness and get into what really sparked your curiosity and fire within your Heart and your Belly. Draw in your People, your community and your New Earth ideas and let's get to work. We are ready to work together as ONE Unified Field of Consciousness. 

Keep shinning your Beautiful Light! The World feels it! The Energy is Shifting! You are making a difference! Each step you walk toward your Authentic self the old will dissolve and fall away giving you the Freedom to choose the Path forward.

Love and Blessings to you!

Love Rainbow 





Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.