I am bowing in deep Gratitude for all of the gifts and realizations received in 2020. I am eternally grateful for my connection to Mother Gaia, as she has led me back to my origins.
To be in this new awareness of who I am today, I have been able to go within to rediscover my own truths to remember and honour all that I am in this physical form. I embrace my beauty and magic.
This is what I am bringing with me as I step into 2021. Here is an opportunity to Release it all, right now.
As, I Let Go and Surrender of any Resistance, Pain, Ego, Self Doubt and Deep Trauma. I accept and free my whole self to choose how I wish to live in my Heart and attract abundance and joy. I choose to enter this New Year with ease and grace and whole heartedly love myself and show others how to do the same by being an example of how to be embodied, grounded and conscious of all living beings, as we begin a new way of being on Earth.
I do this not only for my own existence but for my children, my grandchildren and all of my descents. This transformation of Humanity is emanate and we can collectively come together to begin living here "Heaven on Earth." You are Free to choose how you wish to Breathe, Love and Live!
Blessings for Peace and Unity as we ring in 2021!
Love always, Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.