"Dawn of the New Era" November 25th-December 8th

Dear One,

 Many of you may have felt between world these last few weeks? We are in the transformational energies of the old world being release and the new world emerging and being the witness to the birth of the New Earth consciousness. In this evolutionary process we are letting go of karmic ties and lessons being resolved to gift us an existence to operate in the purist form of consciousness for the New Human to thrive.

We are emerging from the false matrix, we are free to be our true selves and embrace our sovereign souls expression. This is the end of the old paradigm, we are ready to create a world that is build on integrity, love and harmony. That the balance is restored for the Sacred Divine Feminine and the Sacred Divine Masculine.     

We are now leading up the energies of the Winter Solstice Dec 21st, where we will receive another bump up in our awareness, prepping us all for the 2025 year ahead. This next year will be very different than the last few. 2025 will be a year of building new foundations for our new existence on Earth. 

Get really clear on how you wish to move forward, tie up any loose ends, clear out the old attachments and stay very grounded in who you are. The past will stay in the past and we can move effortlessly forward in a more efficient way toward Peace and Harmony for all beings. This is the Dawn of a New Era. We are ready to step all in. 

Be gentle as you walk on this sacred ground, gratitude for all.

Love and Blessings, 

Rainbow xxx




Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.