"Crystal Guides Support Humanity"

#weeklywritings Jul 19, 2021

Hello Beloveds,

With Summer in full swing, time seems to be flowing at break neck speed. Most of the Collective has been on a very intense ride these last several weeks, to release and unearth all of the old patterns, shadows, negative aspects from our DNA that has been stock piling for generations. So, please don't take anything personal as people may be extra sensitive this week as well, lots of massive energies coming into the Planet.

With all of this changes happening in and around us, call on your Crystal Spirit guides to support and assist you in grounding, re-balancing your chakras, releasing and relaxing  into calm state to sleep. There are many different crystals that will emit the positive healing energy to you.

Here are a few suggestions for this week. 

For Grounding and protection: Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Selenite.

Re-Balancing Chakras: Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Carnelian.

For relaxing and sleeping well: Lithium Quartz, Moonstone, Lepidolite.

The gentleness of the stone medicine is so sweet and we can ask for assistance during this time. We are navigating this Evolution of Humanity and it requires all that we have available to assist in this massive transformation.

The energies this week will be like holding your hand over a slow burning candle,  gentle with a little heat and slightly uncomfortable as we are moving into the Lions Gate energies, the portal will begin to open and the old energies will be culled out of our existance.

If you are trying to brave this journey alone, reach out to a Practitioner who can hold this energy while you unravel and reintegrate the new you back into balance. This is a Collective journey we are all on together. You are not alone.

Blessings! You are a Beautiful Soul.

Love Rainbow 



Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.