Big Energy Shifts - Final Push - Week November 22/23
Be EVER So GENTLE with yourself, as we weather this storm together!
This has been a stretch in every direction of your life. You have been going through an expansive growth period for what probably seems like years. You are not alone in this process, for all of Humanity is experiencing this on some level of Beingness.
Each of us has had to go deep into our inner world to Let go of the things that no longer resonate as we move onto our intended paths, moving forward to higher frequencies of understanding to see the bigger picture. Here is the Big picture.
Truthfully, as we begin to rise above the density of the Collective we can be witness to the peeling away of the falsehoods and lies that we have been fed for far too long.
I was prompt to write this to you today, as the energy is shifting again. It is opening like never before, so we can really see the truth of our existence in this moment.
In this, Now moment, what are you feeling in your body? That is what TRUTH feels like. Tingles and activation of cells remembering.
Allow, this higher frequency to come through you and raise you up, where the Eagles fly free. Connect to your cosmic consciousness.
You are not of this Earth

Mother, but you are connected to her Spirit and her existence. Her survival and that of Humanity are dependent on the rise of the Collective Consciousness to higher realms to reach 5D and beyond into higher levels.
We as a Conscience Collective can move density and consciousness and yes, we can move mountains together.
We are so capable of remembering how magical and powerful we are.
Let's do this together, call in your support team, I am here to support you in your discovery of your true self and for you to uncover or unlock all that you are. You are so much more than you know.
You are ready to open this new door, walk through to access the magic you possess.

Please reach out if it feels light, we @Rainbow Medicine Collective are here to guide you to see your Light and Embody the Love and Wisdom of your expansive Heart.

Big Love from Rainbow