Dear One,
You might still be feeling some of the Crab(Cancer) feels, to be in your protective shell and hide under water. But, as we are getting closer to Leo season, you maybe feeling more like getting out to socialize this week. Today marks, July 17th a New Moon in Cancer, that is also paired with the Nodial Shift of the South and North Nodes, from Scorpio/Taurus to Aries/Libra. A gateway to creating more harmony and balance within the Collective. Better able to look deeper individually, to then inspire and emit healing frequency all around you. This Cosmic alignment is a Divine design to keep going and feel the changes that are happening from within your Being are real.
July has been a very intense month of healing and releasing so many of the ancestral patterns and programs of the past. You may start to notice the return of more lightness and freedom in your mind and body will begin to relax more naturally. Especially when you are in nature and surrounded by the high frequencies that Mother Earth provides. Allow yourself to be supported and nourished to receive the full benefits of this expansive energy around us as we are in-between the 777 portal and 88 Lions gate portal approaching. This is a beneficial time to exercise your intentions and bring your dreams into form.
Our Sun is also continuing to let off solar flares, storms are reaching our atmosphere this week, pushing us to continue to clear our DNA and clear our systems of toxic sludge. we are all in this purification process wether you accept this as truth or not, this is a process in which is not reversible it is emanate.
This is the beginning of how life on this planet will be reclaimed as sovereign and free for all living beings. Mother Gaia has been so patient with Humanity, as we begin to evolve with her now. Appreciating and celebrating this magnificent planet, we can appreciate the beauty all around us as breathtaking. As, we see each soul as beautiful and precious. We breakdown the barriers and differences dissolve. We are learning to become One Big Family and can co-create our sustainability and support each other moving forward as we live and thrive together on Mother Earth.
To be witnessing this auspicious time of the Grand Evolution of Planet Earth is truly an honour and privilege. This is why we are here to be apart of this shift and to usher in the New Earth way of life and living in Harmony and Eternal Love, to be a Unified Consciousness, communing with the whole Universe.
"There is a freshness in the air, a greater flow in the water, a purification from under our feet and a fire in our bellies that is hard to describe. But I can feel my Heart beat as One with All That Is Now"
Love and Blessings to you! Be gentle on yourself!
Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.