Dear One,
Our awareness of the light and dark is more visible at this time of the Fall Equinox and the night and day are equal. We have just entered Libra season, where we are seeking greater balance in our lives, relationships and personal growth. And to add a little spice to this Fall season, we also have a solar eclipse, October 2nd. We are in-between the eclipses this week. Many are still feeling the shifts from the lunar eclipse on September 17/18.
There is a big shift happening right now and theses energies are powerful and at times overwhelming. This last week of September is all about integrating the last few months of expansion and preparing for fall, what are some of the things you are ready to shed and really lighten your whole human experience. Many more truths will be revealed in theses coming weeks. For Humanity to accept the truth of our existence and how we navigate this information moving forward. It is all choice.
How do we balance all of this into our 3D lives? This is a question I get asked often. Here are some tips and a helpful exercise to better integrate and stay in your Heart Centre. Best place to do this is outside on the grass, earth and take 3 deep breathes in through the nose out through the mouth. Hand on Heart, the other on your belly. Feet firmly planted on Mother Earth. Feel the support and nourishment from her, as you breathe and exhale. Then imagine you are bringing the Divine Golden White Light through from the top of your head, connect through to your heart and down to your root chakra and anchor into the Earth below. This is a daily practice of grounding your energy and aligning with Mother Earth. You are Here for this Evolutionary Stage of Humanity's full re-alignment with our Mother Earth as she shifts into the 5D Unity Consciousness.
There is hope, there is so much beauty and abundance ahead of us. We are in this deconstruction energy of the old systems dissolving and creating the stability within your own Body, Mind and Heart is key for these changing times. To then anchor the highest timeline of "Unity Love Consciousness" for all of Humanity and all sentiant beings back into Harmony and a Balanced existence.
Connect with your Divine Light and shine bright, Beautiful Light Warriors!
Blessings of Ease and Grace, walk your Divine Path Big Heart,
Love Rainbow xxx
You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.