"A New Cosmic Cycle Begins" January 1st-14th

Dear One,

We have arrived in this New Energy right at the beginning of 2024. It was very noticeable how it shifted so dramatically from Dec 31st to January 1st of 2024. These first few weeks of the January were really focused on tying up the loose ends and ending the old ways of being. So that we can really begin this new Cosmic Cycle with a blank canvas of what it is we truly wish to create or co-create with others. 

Astrologically we are being supported to make these shifts, upgrade our experience to be in alignment of what is our truth and soul mission. The dramatic shift was that we felt the end of Jupiter and Mercury"s respective retro grades. And Bam, we entered a whole new perspective of this Earthly experience. This space best described, as a sacred space for the soul to alchemize and understand our new upgraded version of our embodied self/heart centred being. There were a lots of endings to make way for this new cycle. Many things the Universe was making visible for us to see, was our truth and to accept this new way to move forward. We have the codes within our Blueprint and they are being activated now.

We, as a Collective have navigated so many different levels of how to merge our Humanness and soul expression into one body. Nothing short of a miracle. If you are starting to connect all of the dots and you are bringing a deeper awareness into this incarnation, you are ready to up level into this New Earth frequency of Oneness, of the highest timeline we have seen glimpses of this through out these past few years. WE are being prepared for this radical shift for Mother Gaia and all inhabitants of Earth. We are on the precipice of the Aquarian Age. 

This small window is for you is step in and see, feel, explore what is it you wish to experience moving forward and how to be a free loving multi-dimensional human at peace and operate from a regulated nervous system. Quiet your mind, settle into your beautiful Heart space and speak with your Divine Soul. Create the your sacred space for this communication with Your Divinity, to be your priority.

The dates to keep in mind for this week is January 11, New Moon in Capricorn establish structures for your yourself and 111 portal for Soul Alignment. This portal will be connected to the January 20th, Pluto enters Aquarius to ignite us to step in and embrace our New Path of the Golden Age. This time in our human history has been professed by many enlightened beings from our past and we are back to insure this timeline is on point and initiated for All of Humanity. WE are All One Family. It is Now We Rise and Reclaim our birthright of complete Sovereignty.

Love and Blessings, may your soul light up with Joy and Expansion for this whole year ahead! Be Gentle on Your Beautiful Hearts! Love Yourself!

Rainbow "Light of My Light"




Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.