" Freedom Has Arrived Emerging from Within" October 14th-20th

Dear One, 

Hope you have had a beautiful Harvest weekend with family and friends? With all of the Cosmos activity in the sky. We have been going through a massive upgrading period in these last few weeks, uncovering so many of our shadow aspects. We have been diving deep, clearing and purifying on all levels of our being. The solar flares have brought many things to the surface to be transmuted, once and for all. We are post eclipse season now, we will feel this "Super Full Hunter Moon" on October 17th this week, profoundly. 

This Full Moon in Aries will be the biggest, brightest and closest to the Earth. This energy will be intense, and will carry the Phoenix rising vibe (Warrior Energy), being felt deeply, so all can be released, that is not serving. This is an opportunity to restructure and modify our path moving forward, to set up how we as a Collective, will create the New Earth experience. All is being revealed for the Collective to understand the truth. And re build an environment that is in true alignment with our Divine Nature and supports all living beings to thrive. 

This is the most important shift happening now, as Pluto has gone direct out of Capricorn and will enter into Aquarius for the next 20 years in November, that will awaken the Collective to raise our Consciousness into Unity. The door to living Free and in alignment with our Mother Earth is here. Yes, there are a few systems that are coming down around us, but we have so much to look forward to in our very near future, so much hope and happiness. 

 We are Free from the the internal programming that has kept us imprisoned in our own minds, we have broken the spell and the Light is getting more potent for us to know our true identity. Can you feel the Shift?

It will be noticeable this week. Enjoy the Energy!! You deserve this break in energy. Thank you Light Warriors, sending so much Gratitude!!

Love and Blessings,

Rainbow xxx 




Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.