"Your Transformation is a Solo Journey" October 7-14th

Dear One,

If you have been following along with theses updates, then this will sound familiar. WE have been on this evolutionary journey intensely for 4 years, but it actually started for many of the Way-showers in the mid 1990's. Many awakened to who they were and unfortunately, we were so heavily programmed, we didn't believe the information we were receiving from our guides and angels, we dismissed it for crazy talk. No one would believe that this was our mission, to shift the Consciousness on planet Earth. And bring Humanity to a new place of experiencing life on Earth. Some of us were inspired to made big shifts and kept following the prompts for this unusual path forward.

Flash forward 30 some years, yes it has taken along time to actualize. But, we are here, in a new landscape to navigate our own journey of awakening, to align with our own personal internal shifts and step onto an authentic path of higher expression. This was always meant to be an inside job of shedding the old and outdated programming. You are the designated driver of your own Solo Journey back to your true self. I refer to "The Dance of the Butterfly" often.

With the help of the massive Solar M Class Flares, this past week and the solar eclipse, we are purging more of the density of generations of Humans on this planet. This can be painful and uncomfortable on every level. Allowing this energy to pass and practice self care, slowing life down to a crawl, will be helpful. We are being striped to the bone of any negative programming that has kept us enslaved for thousands of year. 

We are all responsible to make choices for ourselves, as we walk closer to the life we have been dreaming about. WE are so close, we can taste the sweetness of this journey that is right in front of us. For this week write down the things that you are most Grateful for in your Life and tell someone that you are Grateful for them.

There is a lot going on Astrologically this month, we are still feeling lots from our dear Libra season, post eclipse karma clearing. Stay grounded into your body and visit the trees. This is the season of full rest and restoring your energy to better adapt to the higher frequencies. Let go like the leaves!

Blessings of Gratitude,

Love Rainbow xxx 



Welcome, here is a special gift just for you.

You can't put a price on peace. Listen to Rainbow's New Earth  Meditation and feel grounded in less than 10 minutes.